Our newest moderator.

We’ve added MEBuckner to our staff today.

He’ll be working in Great Debates with David and Gaudere and we’re happy to have him.

I’m sure you’ll all congratulate and commiserate with him as only our Teeming Millions can do.

your humble TubaDiva

Congrats MEB!

Hope you don’t value your quality time away from the computer :wink:

MEBuckner, allow me to slap you on the rump. Go team!

Y’know, Arnold only slaps the new male moderators on the rump. I wonder why that is…

Dang. I’ll just have to step into GD (uncharted waters for me) to watch him in action.

Wild and enthusiastic congratulations, MEBuckner!

I don’t hang out in your new haunts much, but I guess it’s never to early to ask what your preferred bribe is, huh?

And HARD, too. I’m still uncomfortable sitting.

Fear of sexual harassment lawsuits should be enough.

…oh, yeah…and welcome, Herr Bruckner! I have always been a great admirer of your music, particularly the great Symphony No. 9 in D minor!

Good choice. Congratulations, MEBuckner. :slight_smile:

No, no, Uke. Buckner. As in Bill. The guy who choked in Game 6 of the 1986 World Series and almost cost the Mets the championship.

Just so I can begin writing the perfect Pit-zinger, what is MEBuckner’s political leanings?

Well, just so nobody feels left out…

Slaps Gaudere, JillGat, TubaDiva, and Lynn Bodoni on their respective rumps

Yep, he’s definitely one of ours. :smiley:

I assume there will be no policy changes – i.e. we can still run with scissors and eat ice cream for breakfast, just like the current mods have always let us…

Excellent!! BUCKner BUCKner BUCKner BUCKner…



DDG said:

While I share your enthusiasm for one of the most thoughtful and insighful members of our board becoming co-Moderator of Great Debates, I have to say:

When I heard that post from you in my mind’s ear, all I could think of was those AFLAK commercials! :smiley:

What?!? A bribe?!? Are you saying that I take bribes?!? I’m shocked–shocked–that you would even suggest such a thing! Even as a “joke”, it’s simply not funny!

[sub]Dude, you gotta do this stuff in e-mail, m’kay? Sheesh.[/sub]

Far be it from me to tell you your business, Chronos, buddy, but you might want to extend your hand of welcome to TVeblen, as well.

It’s true that she may make you eat your own epiglottis, but she’ll be devastated if you leave her out of the list of Modettes.

He’s a Nazi, of course.