My dog leaks pee.

At first they thought it was a UTI, so they gave her antibiotics. Now they think it might be this:

Which means tests, tests, and more tests today, and possibly surgery…


Does she leak pee constantly or just dribbles every few hours or so? One of our dogs seemed to develop a similar condition but the vet prescribed some medication that resolved it. The only bad part is she needs to take this medication for the rest of her life but there don’t seem to be any side effects.

It doesn’t seem to be constant, and we work hard at keeping her “emptied out” (thank god the weather’s nice, because we spend A LOT of time outside). She pees normally, in addition to the leakage.

Today she’s having this done:


Anyway, we’ll see…

How old is your dog? When my old female Lou baby started leaking urine and we gave her “phenolprolamine”. I’m not sure of the spelling but it is the same stuff that used to be in dexetrim (OTC diet pill).

One pill a day worked wonders. I just dipped it in a little butter and she ate it up. What can I say, she liked butter.

I didn’t mind so much that she leaked, it was usually while she slept. I just put a fresh towel down each day and washed the bedding once a week. Like a said it was only a few drips but the problem was male dogs always want to have the last pee so to speak and Buck would sometimes mark his spot on top of her one or two drips with copius amounts of the most ghastly stuff I have ever smelled.

I’m not sure but I think male dogs have the ability to conjure up some sort of Super Strong Smelling Other Dog Drippings Cover Up Fluid® that is not like normal pee. God that stuff is rank.

Just a note that this is very very common is older spayed females (like The Mermaid’s girl) and it generally treatable with medication. auntie em, you don’t really say in your post if this applies to your girl. If your girl is an older and spayed, and your doctor didn’t try the meds The Mermaid mentioned, I’d get a new vet. Did they test her urine before putting her on antibiotics?

My dog leaks pee, too. But only when she’s excited or scared. I hope she outgrows it. She’s only 4 mos. old and we have had her one week.

She probably will outgrow - it’s definitely submissive behavior. Probably the best thing to do is to ignore it.

My dog is 6 months old, and has been leaking (in her sleep, and generally when she’s been sitting or lying for a while) since before her spay (which happened about a week and a half ago).

Actually, she’s not even in my possession yet. A friend (who is a vet tech) found her abandoned at the dog park, and brought her home to find her a new home.

After a couple of weeks’ hesitation (I already have two dogs, my house is small, yadda yadda), I finally bowed to the Love Gods and admitted to myself that I was so smitten with the puppy I was not only making excuses to “drop by”, just to see and play with her (and BTW, the friends who have her live OUT OF TOWN), I’d already given her a name (CornPone) and was picturing her sleeping next to my hearth (OK, I don’t have a hearth, but work with me, here).

So I phoned my friend and called dibs on the puppy.

At that point, she was not yet spayed, but was having pee-pee issues, and had been put on antibiotics for what they thought was a UTI. When I said I wanted her, my vet tech friend got her vaccinated and spayed (which I thought was a lovely thing, and quite cost effective for me).

A week later, I began working in earnest on my backyard fence, with the idea that I’d leave her with my friend until I got the yard fenced off (a project with which I’ve been tinkering, but decided that with 3 dogs it was time to get down to business). My friend, who wanted BADLY to keep the dog anyway (but can’t, because her landlord/roommate says NO), had no problem with keeping her another couple of weeks.

This past weekend, I decided I couldn’t wait any longer, so I called my friend and left a message saying I wanted to come and get the puppy. She and her roommate called back, saying to come on up, so I hopped in my car and drove out to their place…

…when I got there, they said, “Um… we need to talk…”

…and dropped the Possible Ectopic Ureter Bomb (which news was offered basically as an “out clause” for me).

I guess my point here is that at this point I haven’t dealt with my own vet at all, and haven’t really had much to do with the puppy’s care up to this point.

Yesterday she was tested for the ectopic ureter, but I haven’t been able to reach them for the news.

auntie em, what happened here? Did you get the puppy? What does an ectopic ureter mean?