Straight Dope Birthday List

I was just thinking if everyone posted their birthday’s here, we could group them into monthly categories and have one special Happy Birthday thread each month. Just a thought.

Anyway mine’s June 18th :slight_smile:

January 29th

this is the dawning of the age of Aquarius… age of Aquariuuuuus!


Seems to me we had a b-day thread before, but I think it was quite a while ago… so why not?

November 5, 1972 - Scorpio

So, uh, are there like, uh, any hot chicks here that like, uh, wanna do it?

June 26th

February 30.

Zev Steinhardt

21 March

January 5th.

May 1st.

And please keep the mayday jokes to yourself, I’ve heard them all.

October 6th, 1978

August 26th.

April 19

Maybe if you asked nice, you could get Eutychus to update this:

June 8, last Saturday.

23rd April

January 30. I found out last birthday that I share it with Airman Doors and Lucki Charms.

Sept. 17


Sept. 9


June 12th.

Me too! We rock!

February 15th.

Can’t quite figure out if I was a late Valentine’s gift, or an early April Fool’s gag, my parents don’t like to talk about it.