Do bats poop while hanging upside-down?

If so, does it run down their back and soil their fur??

I believe that most bats adjust their posture in order to avoid soiling themselves while hanging.

From this site on the Malayan False Vampire Bat:

It’s probably what blinds 'em.

I have a video that shows the bats pooping. I think its Predators of the Wild. Anyhoo…They poop upside down and it kind of shoots out away from them.

AKA projectile defecation.

Bats must be a laugh-riot at parties.

What fraternity do they belong to, anyway?

Quite so.

Another bat behavior mentioned on the site I linked to:

One of my professors used to have a saying when he was really impressed with something: “neater than batshit”, he would often remark.

My favorite is “slicker than snakeshit.”

I really am amazed that you guys found so much relevant info on this topic. Some serious searching skills on this site.

      • Heck, I might be able to get you photos of bats pooping if it was during the summer months. I only say “might” because the bats whre I live are very small, sorta like mice with wings.

I can send you batshit if you like. Well, if customs would let me :wink:

We live under the flightpath of a bat colony. It’s truly spectacular when they fly over every night. They certainly poop while flying and the poop can strip paint off cars. It’s got this amazing plasticky texture and when it lands in the swimming pool, it’s pretty hard to remove. The smell of the colony is quite phenomenal too.

I presume that you are talking about fruitbats, Primaflora. Do you know whether lyssavirus can be contracted through contact with their crap?

We have quite a few of them around here at Red Hill, and they make a fair bit of noise, and manage to crap everywhere, to.

  • Bubba.

Red Hill? I used to live at Kelvin Grove and we had a few there but nothing like what we’ve got here at Logan.

Do a search on lyssavirus and fruitbats and it’s interesting. It seems to me that you can catch it but it is rare. You seem to need to handle them directly.

Cool new username BTW

And so indeed,…

… must he.

Tony Barber’s freakin Underwear. That is some awesome name.

Batshit and metallic Commodore paint definitely don’t mix. Leave it more that a day or so, and well, shit.

Anyone want a Commodore with (ahem) a few minor paint defects?

My bloody word it is. :smiley:

I dare not ask, acksherly.

I don’t think it’s a great username. I think it is sick. Just sick. Sick, sick sick.

Is there some point to that Princhester? A complaint? A witty remark delayed by 5 days?

I don’t get it. Please explain.