
I hate it when a movie throws in something really gross totally gratuitously.

Example: Minority Report - the guy blowing his nose on the floor had nothing to do with the plot, and the rotten sandwich was pretty pointless as well.

What movies have grossed you out for no reason?

I remember they specifically said “ONLY IN THEATERS!” for Minority Report, and now it comes out on DVD. Isn’t that false advertising?

Well I know the eye thing wasn’t really gratuitous, but it was just horrid to watch. First time in years I had to cover my eyes when something came on. Can’t think of anything else, though…

Pointless, but bloody funny! did no-one laugh at the cinema you watched it at?

I think films should have more irrelevant bits in. it makes it more realistic. afterall - life has lots of irrelevant bits.

I watched it on DVD and nearly retched. My mom also nearly retched. My husband said “ewww!”. None of us appreciated it.
I don’t mind irrelevant bits, I just don’t like being grossed out for no reason. That scene with the nose-blowing, for example, has resulted in my not eating several meals because I’d remember it and lose my appetite. I am damned lucky I didn’t throw up (since my surgery, I have a trigger stomach). Disgusting things don’t go away for me, they resurface over and over, and they can and do actually affect my ability to eat, have sex, or sleep. Yes, that means I’m overly sensitive but there isn’t a damned thing I can do about it.

So what other movies have grossed you out? (this wasn’t meant to be a Minority Report thread)

Eighties version of Dune: Most scenes with the Baron, esp. the boils, and him pulling food out of Raban’s (Feyd’s?) mouth.

The Harkonnens are twisted, but they’re not pointlessly gross.

While I would like it to be a Minority Report thread I will respect your will and set my mind to thinking of what films have grossed me out. It may take a while, as I am not easily grossed out. (and it is impossible to gross me out to the point where I would be put off my dinner)

Opal - you probably already know this but that’s what the filmmaker’s are shooting for. They want their film to stick with you, even if it’s not in an entirely positive way.

That said, the kid in Harry Potter puking those slugs kind of irked me a bit.

Cisco: yeah, but it would make me not go to another movie by that director in the fugure.

The astronaut yarping up his breakfast in zero G in Apollo 13 left me feeling nauseated for days.

OpalCat so, no more Steven Spielberg films?

As a matter of fact, when I saw it no one did laugh at that scene. It was too obvious a set up and a guy at the back groaned “oh, and I bet the milk too.”

CSI has the only stuff that manages to gross me out fairly often. I have a stron squeamish threashold, but somehow it always works out that I’m eating something when CSI comes on and then I get yucked out.

Well I know Spielberg from other stuff. If I see a movie from a director I’m not very well aquainted with, that would make me want to avoid them in the future.

I haven’t seen the movie, but having worked 7 winters outdoors, all I can say is whoop-de-doo. It is snot, and I would rather see it blown onto the floor than dripping down the upper lip…

It was a LOT of snot, dripping and dangling like gooey icicles from his nose. It was disgusting. He was in his own house, why not just use a tissue?

Opal I can’t quite remember which scene you’re talking about. Are you talking about the doctor guy? The guy that played the nihilist in the Big Lebowski and the psycho in Fargo? Wasn’t he supposed to be a drug addict in this movie? Maybe he just had nasal diarrhea from whatever drugs he was doing.

I must admit to having no idea where they were trying to go with that character though. First he gives cruise a shot and says how he’s gonna get him back for sending him to jail, then he operates on him just like he was supposed to and leaves. Wtf? :confused:

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom dinner scene.
The Exorcist throat operation scene.

I can’t remember anymore “gross-me-out” scenes.

The hidden-room concealed behind the diaherra-and-shit splattered bathroom in **Desperado. **

That was just plain disgusting.
Of course, there’s a lot of movies that are just gross all the way through, but I figured I’d cite an example of a singular nasty scene from a otherwise average movie.

I never need to see any character pee or vomit. It adds nothing to the story. Especially peeing. I remember when Jessica Lang sqatted by the river in Rob Roy, I thought “why the heck would you want film that??”

Possible spoiler:

Was that the scene where she was washing the spooje out after being raped? If so, it was part of the plotline.