
Some people are gay.
There. Now that the trap is set,
all that’s left is to wait for His4Ever to enter,
then BLAM! A bucket of water on her head!
Heh, heh, heh.

Is this a roll-call or something?

By “some people” I hope you weren’t referring to those that collect comic books, like NSYNC, or dress flamboyantly. If you were, you’re in a world of hurt once the official SDMB offenderati get a whiff of this thread.

Shh! Here she comes!

As a rabid homophobe, I am offended by your classification of homosexuals as people, when in fact, as all right-thinking people know, they are merely an advanced form of lichen.

A clever and insightful trap you’ve laid there. What, perchance, is supposed to be the response appropriate for His4Ever to make? That all people are straight, or that all of them are gay? Those are the only two contradictory possibilities (and she would only get half points for the second one), so I can’t honestly see her risking a soaking just to make her point…

Oh. Sorry, jr8, I missed that one. :rolleyes:

Everyone who has posted or will post to this thread desparately needs to get a life.


Homosexuals. Yes Please!

pizzabrat, this is trolling, even if it is meant for just one person. Do it again and you’re out of here.

For the Straight Dope