Did JFK Work For Free As President?

I hear stories that JFK refused his presidential salary.

Yes? No?

If yes, why?

No he didn’t.

. . . Cite?

You really think there is a cite that says he accepted his salary?

You can prove a positive but you can’t prove a negative. Having said that according to http://www.jfk-online.com/farewell03.html#N_8_ it states

  1. Since his election to the House of Representatives in 1947, Kennedy had always donated his salary and the royalties from his books to charity. As the President’s salary is $100,000 and his personal income amounted to $400,000, his critics pointed out that, after taxes, his generosity cost him only $9,524.
    So he took his salary but donated it.

How about this? (It’s the Internet Public Library Kid’s Encyclopedia entry for JFK.)


Looks like he accepted his salary but refused the expense account.

Sorry, perhaps I spoke too soon. Here’s a CNN story on Congress’s considering a presidential pay raise (from May, 1999). http://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/stories/1999/05/24/pay.raise/

Last paragraph:

So maybe he refused his salary as well.

OK, so perhaps I’m posting too soon. I’m going to stop after this one. I just found something that perhaps contradicts the CNN story (though not on whether JFK accepted/refused salary).

This site – http://www.russpickett.com/ushist/uspres4.htm – asserts that Hoover was the first president to “donate his salary to charity.” Of course, it could be that he just did it one time, and otherwise accepted his salary. This could then be consistent w/ the CNN story.

Used to be that some rich men who served the government would elect to receive $1.00 for their service. Haven’t heard of that being done for many years, now.

Bush^43 paid $270K on $711K earnings

I’d like to know if Bush^43 or Bush^41 ever paid State Taxes.

In Texas, we do not pay state taxes. At least not from income.