Women -- How do you like your pupils?

This is a question for the women on the board. How do you like the pupils of a man’s eyes to be? Do you prefer them to be consistently black or do you like the ones that are slightly darker around the edges than the center?

Who cares?

Huh? Pupils aren’t any color at all. They’re clear.

I like my pupils to be obedient and hard-working

If this is a joke it’s funny.


Aye, as Joe Random said, pupils aren’t any colour. They’re holes in your eyes that let the light through to the surface at the back…

Are you thinking about the Iris, the coloured part?
If you have dark coloured eyes, I can imagine that it might look like your pupils were slightly different coloured round the edges.
But basically you’re pupils are black (cos they’re holes) or red cos you’ve shone a light in 'em and can see the bloody vessels at the back of the eye (hence red-eye in photos).

I think we’ve just been whoosed… I R confused by this thread?

your pupils, even… damn appostrophie madness…

Yes, this was a joke, in response to all the “what to women think about dumb stuff” threads. Now don’t go evaluating people’s pupils, you (I know, easy set-up).