No SDMB Welcome: Insult or Compliment?

I’ve already ruled out choice C, merely an oversight, so I don’t want to hear any of that.

I’ve never gotten a welcome to the SDMB. Should I take this as a sign of not being welcome? Orrr, is it just a sign that I fit in so well no one noticed that I was a newbie?
( That would be a compliment, wouldn’t it?)

Well, first of all, you didn’t take your shoes off. And you were told to bring a DISH TO PASS.

<tossing confetti in the air> Welcome dear SimonX. We couldn’t be more thrilled with your presence.


Have a piece of pie.

Nah, not an insult. Too subtle for an insult - you’ve been around enough to know what a real Doper Insult is.

Compliment - in a way, yeah, because you didn’t come across as a clueless newbie.

Of course, you could have gone the attention whore route and begged for a welcome. But that’s what you’re doing here, right? :smiley: Welcome to the party. Is that a letter “X” or are you the tenth in a series??

What do you mean by “TO PASS”? :eek:

Welcome waxman.

I never got a welcome either. What the hell?!

How many people do get welcomes? I see maybe ten welcome threads, tops, per month. That’s gotta be a pretty small percentage. So I don’t feel so bad.


It isn’t an insult unless the word “Cocksocket” or “Assmonkey” is bandied about.

Those aren’t shoes, my feet are just really, really,* reallllyy* dirty.
I brought something else to pass around. Does that count?
Pumpkin pie is my second favorite kind of pie.
I’ve never posted in MPSIMS, IIRC. This is the most mundane pointless thread I could think of.
The X is a replacement for my last name.

Did you say you want to insulted?


Calling you dull is a gross underestimation of just how tedious you are. You have the personality of a damp sponge and the appeal of a moldy sweat sock. I’d get more pleasure from running my nostrils down a cactus, than reading another contribution from you. Maybe you wouldn’t read like such a pathetic loser if you weren’t an ‘idiot savant’ without the ‘savant’ part; if your weren’t so fat that the Brooklyn Bridge would collapse if you ever tried to go Bungee Jumping off of it, or if you weren’t uglier than the north-facing end of a south-bound mule. Nah, of course you would.

Of course I mean non of this, you merely said you may want to be insulted…


I was never welcomed.

There’s just too much happening on this Board for everybody to get noticed.

Big Board.

Welcome, Bosda and Gundy.

Oh, wait, I can’t welcome you, I wasn’t here yet!

Belated welcome to SimonX, and any other newbie that crosses my path. And cookies. You get cookies, too. Careful, they’re imaginary.


I never got welcomed either.

Bosda’s right, big board. Its also not part of our board culture. My personal theory is this is in part to do with taxing the hamsters back in the old slow board days. No one really wanted to spend five minutes opening a thread to say “hi.”

The SimonX (Waxman) thing harkens back to the Simonize Shine you could put on your car back in days of yore.

No one ever welcomed me, either. So fuck all o’ youze. :wink:

I snuck in under the wire too. And lurked for a very long time, mostly because nothing I had to say was worth waiting 10 minutes to post it. I’m glad the hamsters are finally doing their jobs well enough so that I can actually read and post more.

So, welcome. :slight_smile:

You mean we’re SUPPOSED to be welcomed??

Well, I never!

<<sniff> ::leaves room in a huff::

I’ve never heard of welcome threads. I have seen a number of posts where there is a note that says something like
“And BTW, welcome to the SD :slight_smile: .”
Choice C , oversight, too busy of a board, etc., has been ruled out. Not an option.
It’s either and insult or a compliment**. **

SimonX? Who’s that?

OK, be welcome, enjoy your stay.

I wasn’t welcomed either. It happens.

I also was never welcomed, so don’t take it personally.
There are lots of new members everyday, can’t notice them all.

[sub]Friggin newbie assmonkey, cocksocket, attention whore.[/sub]

You only get welcomed if somebody brings you here by the hand. If you’re like most of these pilgrims, you found your own way here, and hence don’t need the welcoming hug of acceptance :wink:

Well, I don’t think I was ever formally welcomed (I sort of lurked and snuck in under the radar), so as far as I’m concerned, it’s a compliment! Anyone up for debating this? :wink: