Collounsbury, War Profiteer and Exploiter of the Iraqis and Arabs

Yes, I am. Well the reality is I am more aspiring to do so, but let’s abstract away from this.

I had what I may describe as the distinct fortune to encounter last night at dinner some human shields who are unaccountably still hanging about to, well I suppose shield. They seem to be planning to return to Iraq to, well, shield things from the Imperialists.

Regrettably, perhaps due to the consumption of a trifle too much rhum on my part, I engaged this folks in conversation. They being so bloody earnest and all. Unfortunately disclosing my profession at present and plans on working on a Baghdad investment fund & office (highly theoretical plans it must be said) led to the OP.

I am most chagrined to learn that I am an exploiter of the people (well, maybe) – the whole buying up national assets and all that – and a War Profiteer to boot. I really took exception to the last, as I only hope to become a post-War profiteer to make up for the lost opps before hand. Their reaction was touching, but I think I perhaps should have stuck to denouncing the stupidity of Bush policies, they liked that a lot more.

So, hello all, I am Mr. Lounsbury, War Profiteer and Exploiter. Thank you.

What I need is a human shield to shield me from the mind-blowing stupidity that runs rampant in our society.

Well, they seem to be a bit on the sensitive side, although pehraps that’s just a reaction to me, so you may need a rotating schedule of human shields as they tend to break down and cry.

Ah yes, I forgot, this is for Sam Stone: one of his countrymen among the human shields even had memorized a poem comparing NAFTA, Iraq and Rape by the US.

It was…well largely incoherent I would say, but had a certain je ne sais quoi about it.

You shoulda asked them if they were at the Great 'Frisco Vomitation, where the anti-war movement REALLY reached its zenith.

Hi! Gary Kumquat, exploiter of 3rd world slave labour and capitalist pig. Pleased ta meetcha.

Pleased to meet you Mr. Kumquat, did you get a special pin and decoder ring also?

Absolutely, but we’ve stopped using them. The whole thing about the capitalist pig lark is flouting your wealth and influence so I’ve replaced encoded messages with routine investor announcements.

More caviar?

No no, gives me a rash.

I thought being a capitalist pig meant evilly plotting to disposses the dispossessed, although frankly it’s not terribly profitable.

Your ambitions seem no more “war profiteering” than a mortician is involved in “death profiteering.” I would think your services would be greatly needed.

Generally, I have much admired the shields for their courage, but their attitude on this matter seems to be tremendously short-sighted.

Should have paid for their meals with your ill-gotten gains and thereby expiated your evil capitalist guilt :D.

Appropos of nothing in particular, you ever indulge in the horror/fantasy genre of fiction? If so ( or even if you don’t but just like spy novels and/or historical novels with an odd twist ) you might consider picking up a paperback called Declare by Tim Powers. A carefully researched historical Cold War spy novel ( partially centering around RL double agent Kim Philby ) that veers into a strange Le Carre meets Lovecraft theme. With the emphasis on Le Carre stylistically and, at first, thematically. The fantasy element intrudes slowly as the story unwinds, gradually building to the climax ( it’s a longish novel ).

I bring it up, because a fair bit of it is set in the Middle East. You might find it an interesting curiosity.

  • Tamerlane

Interesting, I rarely read fiction any more, but perhaps I can find it somewhere.

Know what you mean since I work for an evil multinational out to screw the world in general and China in particular. Some Clicquot or do you prefer single malt of at least an 18 year vintage or perhaps a refreshing Armanac following that whine?

Although, perhaps, you tried one of my favorite tricks, which is to change the language of debate from 'Merikan to the local language. Tends to seperate the men from the boys. Those that make that test usually make for interesting conversation and lively spirited debate with some depth before devolving into who knows more swear words in what dialect.

The self righteous types can be a little amusing on occaision, but definately only in small doses and perferably when I’m intoxicated

Sensitive shields? Isn’t that contrary to the point?

I know I’ve always liked my shields to be impervious to everything. The bombs should just bounce right off their preconceptions and protect me.

Being all sensitive and such sor tof makes them oen ‘one time usage’ sort of shield. And then you have to keep replacing them.

-Jonathan ‘Currently Exploiting the Military to move Magazines’ Chance

China my man, I did switch languages, no takers there.

In any case, a large amount of Cuban rhum helped the amusement value. I was more or less intrigued that these people were still about - all through the war they told me. Lives of liesure I guess. At least they’re keeping the hotel more or less in the black.

Well, by my highly limited sample human shields all tend to be rather on the sensitive side, so I am afraid you have to look at them as like Klenexes, which ordinarily one doesn’t reuse. (And if you do, don’t tell me)

Well, at least they didn’t crown you Mystery Babylon, Mother of Harlots!

No, no. I agree with you.

But dammit, that’s going to drive up overhead. One-time-use shields just aren’t as cost-efficient as the long-lasting kind.

But they volunteer! Absolutely free.

Clicquot? My god, have we finished the decent stuff already? I could have sworn there was a Pol Roger somewhere back there.

No? Ah well, lagavulin for me. Make it a large one.