Hysterical Business School Application

I am trying to find a business school application (probably a myth) that was sent to me by email a while back. Basically, the applicant lists his accomplishments over the course of his life and it gets progressively more and more absurd. Towards the end, he is saying things like (but not exactly) he had had purple tea with elves on planet mars. The last line is, ‘But I still have not been to business school’. Does anyone know where I can find this? I cannot remember any other key word besides “business school application funny”. This obviously doesn’t turn up much on Google.

I’ve never heard of your version, but if it exists, it probably was a spoof of a college entrance essay written by Hugh Gallagher. I believe he originally wrote the essay for a writing contest. A copy of his essay can be found here.

Perfect. Thank you so much Caldazar