Are the mentally impaired allowed to vote?

Firstly, I’m not sure what is acceptable usage these days when talking about mental impairments, so no offense is meant.

What are the laws governing whether people with various mental impairments are allowed to vote:

  1. Mental retardation
  2. Down’s Syndrome (as distinct from #1)
  3. Someone with severe trauma to the head that has significanly impaired mental ability.

Assuming the person in question is of legal voting age.

Primarily interested in the situation in the US, but curious as well about how it is handled in other countries.

some info here

Yes. They’re called Democrats.

[Yuk, yuk. C’mon someone had to do it. Grinny.]

Funny, stuyguy, I was going to say
“Not sure, but they apparently can hold office.”

I just called my aunt who worked for BARC and now works for another agency that works with the mentally challenged. She assured me they can vote.

Really? Are you sure? In GQ? :wally

Getting back to the OP…

In Canada, mentally disabled people weren’t “re-enfranchised” until our new Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms in 1982.

Since there’s no Constitutional protection for mentally disabled people voting, I believe this would be purely a matter of state law.

Looking up each state’s laws regarding mental disabilities and voting rights is left as an exercise for the reader.

As friedo stated, that’s a matter of state law. The one state law cited in this thread says only if the person is adjudicated to be mentally incompetent and has not regained his mental competency. This is consonant with the general rule as far as person being able to act. Sui juris is the legal term, meaning possessing full social and civil rights; not under any legal disability. Generally, you are not under any legal disability until a court says you are.

I think that every american citizen of the right age has the right to vote. Why wouldn’t they be allowed to?

Because states are allowed to set restrictions on who can vote, so long as there’s nothing in the Constitution keeping them from setting those restrictions. So, in some states, ex-felons can’t vote, for example.

Then, of course, there are the residents of territories, who are US citizens, but can’t vote (for President).

Well, felons lose the franchise. It’s part of their punishment, at least while they’re behind bars.

I can’t imagine a comatose person casting a meaningful ballot, but I’m sure some manage to in some states.

Of course, you need a minimum of brains to register and actually make the decision to hie thee to a polling place on time. I believe that is the Major Determinant in this country.


From **x-ray vision’s ** cite, and this, from a cursory glance at the link, appears to be the law in all the states.

I don’t know. Is someone with Down’s syndrome allowed to have a driver’s license?

I’m completely ignorant on this. It has come up a few times in GD, and I’ve always assumed that someone who is severely mentally retarded couldn’t vote. Not sure how I see that it makes sense to allow this and not allow a 17 yr old. Of course you have the sticky problem of defining mental ability. Where do you draw the line?

I really don’t know and am interested in how this is handled.

Triple-simulpost. Someone needs to get out more.


Triple-simulpost. Someone needs to get out more.


No, you really didn’t. We’re trying to run a factual forum here, thanks.

From this site:

From the moderator’s notes on General Questions (bolding mine):

These rules are not meant to discourage threads or posts! The SDMB and this forum in particular rely on a constant stream of high-quality questions, accurate answers and witty wisecracks to stay alive. In particular, if you have a good joke that fits in an existing thread, go right ahead and post it.


Thanks! Both cites were very informative.

I’m starting to think that the difficulties that would entail if we tried to restrict the vote would not be worth the potential abuses, given the relatively small number of individuals involved and the fact that both sides of any issue could easily find their willing supporters among the mentally impaired.

x-ray, you’re my hero!

[Non-partisan grinnies to all, even Mister Manny the mean ol’ moderator.]