Fluttering eyelid - what is wrong with me?

Recently, every so often, my left eyelid flutters really badly. I can’t really control it, and it’s getting a little annoying.

At the moment, it makes no odds, and nobody says that it’s noticable, but what is it? Why is it doing this? And is it symptomatic of a bigger problem down the road?

This has happened to me attimes and gone away by itself. It has been discussed here and IIRC it was blamed on stress or fatigue (although I did not feel particularly stressed or fatigued).

My uncle had the same thing and 40 years later he died. Better take care of yourself.

I work with a woman who’s eyelid jerks all the time. She swears she can’t feel it. She’s gotta be lyin!

Do you have seasonal allergies? I find that I will get strange tics and twitches during allergy season. It is not stress or fatigue, but I have no idea how allergies can cause this. Perhaps a reaction to histamine.

Regular vigorous exercise will likely relieve you of this problem. It’s great for your nerves.

I’ve found that when this starts to happen to me that if I swallow a bunch of vitamins the problem clears up. Of course, maybe your eyes are trying to tell you something about your glasses! :wink:

It sounds like myokymia. This site says that myokymia is benign and self-limiting but that in rare instances it can herald the onset of blepharospasm (forceful and/or prolonged closure of the eye). Apparently, the cause is unknown but stress, fatigue, and excess caffeine or alcohol may be contributing factors. If it continues to bother you, you may want to see your GP.

I vote for fatigue. Whenever I suffer from sleep deprivation, I get twitching muscles and it’s especially annoying with eyelids.

I was tempted to reply with just one word telling you exactly what I thought of your “contribution” but decided you simply aren’t worth that.

To stigoftdump - as you started this thread quite some time ago, I assume you’ve now got to the bottom of it, or the issue has resolved itself. For others who may stumble across this post, generally speaking this is something which, as others have pointed out, is stress related or occurs as a result of a lack of sleep. Occasionally however, eyelid myokymia can be a sign of an underlying neurological issue which can of course only be diagnosed by a medical practitioner. Therefore, if you are also experiencing other symptoms such as muscle weakness, severe fatigue or muscle fasciculations then you should seek medical advice.

Since the OP last posted more than 9 years ago, I’m going to close this thread. Anyone seeking additional information about a similar problem can open a new thread in IMHO.

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