Pet names for body parts (TMI?)

My Sweetie has taken to calling IT Maxwell. (If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you’re too young to be allowed in this thread). For awhile I was slightly amused; hey, it was cute having her say things like, “Ohhh, and how is my sweet Maxwell tonight?” fondle, fondle We both like things fairly light-hearted in the bedroom (or wherever) because it’s just more fun when you’re relaxed and smiling. But after awhile curiosity got the best of me and I just had to know where the name came from; hoping at least it wasn’t an ex-boyfriends name. Smiling sightly, she said…

“Cause it’s good to the last drop.”
Sex that night was pretty darn good. :smiley:
So I’m wondering: what pet names do you and your SO have for each others favorite body part(s)?

I named mine “Excalibur”.

You didn’t have to yank it out of a rock, did you?

Of course not. Some lady crawled out of a lake and gave it to me :wink:

Knew a woman who called her vulva “Lilly”.

I’ve never named my body parts, with one exception: the index finger of my left hand. This is the finger that gets smashed, cut, burned, scraped, is on its second or third complete nail, and has had its tip cut off. Know what the other nine fingers call it? “The Old Man.” The Old Man takes one for the team, time and again. The other fingers know they’ll be okay as long as the Old Man is on the job.

Mudshark and I are yet to christen each other’s genitalia, but a mutual friend of ours has named every part of her body, feet, eyes, thighs, calves, stomach…the works. She even went so far as to have made a diagram of her body with the parts labled. The left and right feet, are, respectively, Lefty and Righty, but most of the other parts got more human names. I just can’t remember any of them. The only other one I remember was her vagina; she’d named it Pepper. Not sure why.

My best friend affectionately calls her feminine area her “Tootie”. I think her mom named it that and it stuck. When I asked her where it came from, she looked surprised and said, “Why what do you call yours?” I don’t really have a nickname for “it” I think it might be better to have one, than to not, though. A good nickname that only a few select people know of, then you can speak in code :wink:

He calls it “Free Willy.”


Sir Lancelot, or Lance for short!

I called my now-ex girlfriend’s genital area the “strawberry kiwi”–It’s pink and it has fuzz.

pink bits,beef curtains,love tunnel,axe wound,front bum,pole-hole.

Little Elvis for him. Hootie cat for her.

After much discussion on the subject, my wife and I finally settled on “Junior”.

I guess it works until we have a child…



Well, the ex used to call mine “John Henry” after she heard somebody use that in a movie back in the 70’s. I’ve been divorced about 13 years now, and I call it “Vlad the Impaler”.

There once was a knight named Lancelot
Who had to adjust his stance a lot;
For whenever he’d pass
A good-looking lass
The front of his pants would advance a lot

You’re welcome.

I hope Sir Lancelot doesn’t wield Excalibur. shudder