Ah, So! Honorable Charlie Chan Banned from Fox.

LOS ANGELES (AP) – Charlie Chan is off the case for the Fox Movie Channel. The channel, citing respect for contemporary racial attitudes, has dropped a summer festival of movies featuring the character of the Chinese detective. Fox Movie Channel announced its decision on its Internet site Friday, drawing complaints from some fans of the movies as well as compliments from Chan critics. In its statement, the channel said the films were made “at a time when racial sensitivities were not as they are today.” The channel invited comments from viewers and said it hoped “this action will evoke discussion about the progress made in our modern, multicultural society.” Fox Movie Channel was part of an effort to restore nearly two dozen early Chan films, which were produced by parent studio 20th Century Fox. Some subscribers have complained about the films, which mostly starred Warner Oland and then Sidney Toler as Chan, a spokesman for the channel said. The Organization of Chinese Americans Inc., a Washington-based civil rights advocacy group, also complained.

So is AMC [I think] going to drop “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” from its lineup?

The movies wouldn’t be so objectionalbe if they’d have actually let a Chinese guy play the main character.

Wait. Is this the same network that is hyping its new show “Bonzai” with mind-numbing frequency?

:: Spiff checks his TV Guide ::



I’ve only seen the teasers, but there seem to be plenty of negative Asian stereotypes in those. I’ll bet you dollars to donuts that the Organization of Chinese Americans Inc. will also have much to complain about this new show.

I could be wrong, though. Maybe this new FOX show will be the ultimate in sophisiticated and sensitive comedy and not resort to cheap laughs.

Nah …

Next thing you know Eye-talian-Americans will want to boycott “Little Caesar” for having Edward G. (Emmanuel Goldenberg) Robinson playing on of their own.

Oops, sorry—when I posted this, the other thread on the same topic was off Page One.

“Please ignore this honorable thread.”

Ah, but Banzai on Fox, and be parody of Japanese game shows. Charlie Chan be on Fox Movie Channel, and he be Chiny detective. Ah so! Me rike vely much…or something. I don’t know. I think there’s a difference.