Now here's a guy I feel bad for -- Doug Christie

From Madden Planet forums:

Funny, but sad stuff…

Is it possible to be this whipped?

Of course, he also admitted that he was scared during the waning minutes of the 2002 Game 7 vs the Lakers. Then he had to punch Rick Fox to get the respect of his teammates back.

Christie’s a punk.

Not to defend anybody’s behavior, but given the propensity NBA players have for cheating on their wives, I wouldn’t blame the Christies for laying out some strict ground rules.

Is it possible to be so sports obsessed whereby you think this sort of fluff even merits a thread of its own?

I guess it must be.

Is it possible to be so ostentatious whereby you think this sort of fluff even merits a reply from an uninterested poster?

That said, to the OP: who cares?

The wife sounds like she’s in the running for the Mary Todd Lincoln Award for Wifely Stability.


Note that this is also in the current News of the Weird; evidently a female employee of the Kings was fired for giving Christie a phone message – she’s suing the team for unlawful termination.

I don’t like sports much either, but a post like that is exactly the same as those assholish “it’s only a movie” posts every movie nitpicking thread is guaranteed.

This was a joke on the part of the writer, not an actual event.

And I find it to be a complete waste of bandwidth speculating on just how whipped some overinflated ball player is in real life. Somehow, I managed to leave out the personal aspersions, unlike less courteous people. Personally, I can understand how some folk might view being completely sucked into a movie (e.g., Titanic) to be on a par with sports obsession.
It’s only a movie = It’s only a game
I can just hear the hamsters groaning, “Yeah, what a wuss Doug Christie is, now there’s a vital topic of discussion.”

I don’t feel do bad for him, after all he has tons of fans, and millions of dollars.

I think it’s pretty funny that he is totally whipped.

checks forum description

Maybe I am missing the proper context, or something, but instead of seeing him as “whipped,” it seems he’s gotten himself a devoted wife to whom he is similarly devoted (or at least puts on a good act of it). To be whipped, a man has to ask his wife before he can do anything, rarely gets to go out with friends (if ever), lives in a froufy girlie house, etc. etc. Showing love, having a wife who travels with you, even renewing your vows in whatever way you want doesn’t seem whipped to me.

The whole wedding-every-year thing is a bit over the top, but then again, may be exaggerated. I wouldn’t hold it against anyone to throw an anniversary part every year, and that might well be all that is, in essence.

Oh well. I’ve seen worse. This guy’s just getting attention because he makes a zillion dollars, is in a manly-man sport, and gasp isn’t fucking around! It’s crazy go nuts!

Hey, ANY reason to punch rick fox is a good one in my book.

Re: the op, I dunno, he probably IS whipped and they probably won’t make it long past his nba career unless some real changes are made. This is domesic violence waiting to happen.

Meanwhile: If that’s what it takes to keep him faithful, so be it. I’m inclined to think that such extreme measures might be necessary, I mean, Christie’s no hack, he’s bound to get frequent offers.

As long as the guy is happy, good for him.

If he’s in a overly controlling relationship, I pity him.

Zenster, stuff it.

The Sports Guy is a true fave of mine, I’ve removed as my homepage ever since he’s cut back his column writing to help on the Kimmel Show.

My favorite Christie Jerset moment was when he got into the fight with Fox, there was none other than Mrs. Christie in the middle weilding a purse at Shaq and Co. Seemed like it had to be a SNL skit. Truly he is whipped to a degree that boggles the mind.