Need help finding an article...

I tend to read to read this site one a year or so… for about 20 hours straight. I SWEAR in one of the articles a woman writes Cecil about how horrible grammar is becoming, and basically he shows her about 20 errors in her own letter, making her look like a total idiot. It may have been on another site, and its been a long time, but I’m pretty sure it was this one. I can’t find it anywhere though now. Can somebody help me find it? There is this jerk on another forum I frequent that is constantly pouncing on people’s typos and minor errors, even though he’s clearly not an english professor. I wanted to share this story next time he does it for a good laugh.

Please help!

BTW, you can search archives on the page

Yeah guys, I tried that but to no avail. It’d been about a year and I couldn’t remember enough key words to narrow the search down enough.

Thanks for helping me.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Where IS the English language going?

KIDDIN’ YA, ASHTAR!!:smiley:

Make that Ashtura!:smack:
Serves me right! LOL