Has anyone ever actually thrown up during the Mr Creosote scene?

I was hung over this Sunday, and watching Meaning of Life while eating. Mistake. The Mr Creosote scene, firehose puking and all, almost made me throw up. I had to avert my eyes at a couple of points.

So, have you or anyone you know actually crossed that border?

I came damned close, the first time I saw it. Not quite, though. It’s still one of the most disgusting scenes ever filmed, and extraordinarilly funny.

  • Thank you, sir, and now, here’s ze check.*

My brother warned me ahead of time, before I first saw it, NOT to eat prior, as he knows I have a delicate stomach – cos he remembered I was ill during the scene in Alien when the android pops apart and all that white goop goes a-splashing – cos it made me think of this awful white cheese sauce my mum would make, and once made me very ill as a child…

Even still, I have to look away, too…

‘Oh, dear. I have trodden in monsieur’s bucket… Another bucket for monsieur,… [goosh] …and perhaps a hose. M-hm…’

Shakespeare wishes he had written this stuff…

I threw up…threw up with laughter!

Didn’t actually spew, but came pretty damn close. I think that’s the most disgusting thing I’ve seen on film.

MAN, what a great movie!

“Ah, good evening Mr. Creosote. How are you?”



“Better get a bucket. I’m gonna frow up!”

“Eeets waah-fer theen!”

Still one of my favorite lines to use when getting someone to finish off their food.

Quicktime movie clip if anyone needs it: http://www.bearchive.com/~Video_Vault/MOL.mov.

“…a mint sir? A small After Dinner waffer, sir?”

Please, let’s not turn this into another stereotypical one-Monty-Python-quote-per-post thread, OK?

When the maid’s on her knees cleaning it up and he leans over and blows a firehose stream of puke onto her back, man, I thought I was gonna puke from laughing so hard.

Hi freakin’ larious!

That scene is probably why I can’t bring myself to like this movie.

Vomit no funny.

OK, I love Monty Python with a passion unsurpassed. This scene though? The first time I saw it I LITERALLY had the dry heaves for 10 minutes. I plain have to skip it when I see “The Meaning of Life.”

I can’t watch The Meaning of Life because of that part. It makes me very ill.

The first time I saw the movie, I remember several people in the theater getting up and walking out during this scene, but nobody threw up. I, on the other hand, was laughing so hard I thought I was going to rupture my liver. Of course, then I couldn’t be a liver donor…

I know a friend of mine came close to puking when the Mr. Creosote scene was shown on the Parrot Sketch Not Included part of Monty Python Live, but I thought it was hilarious.

I didn’t have a problem with the skit but my girlfriend become “eewified”. Unfortunately the scene is too long and drawn out, and I didn’t find it particulary funny. Creativity points sure, but the joke just got old (and so did having a groaning girlfriend nearby).

I saw this movie opening night in a DC theatre. When that scene came up, half the audience was in hysterics (myself included). The other half were literally screaming/gagging/running out of the movie house.

I’ve never seen anything like it since.

No, but I have laughed so hard I couldn’t breathe while watching it.

So, not a single observed pukathon? I actually expected at least a couple of good rumours. People sitting in stuffy cinemas eating stale popcorn and old candy…