Kevin Spacey's face in "See No Evil, Hear No Evil"

In 1989 a young(er) Kevin Spacey played a heavy in a so-so Richard Pryor-Gene Wilder comedy called “See No Evil, Hear No Evil.” During the entire movie Spacey had a rather larger lump (wart? boil? cyst?) protruding from his left cheek. As he was never seen with such a disfigurement before or after, my friend (devoted Kevin fan that she is) and I were wondering what the deal was with his face. Was it makeup or a natural occurrence? And why didn’t the bump get its own screen credit?

I noticed this myself during Working Girl. He briefly plays a business man who climbs into the back of a limo with Melanie Griffith and starts partyin’ and tries to grope her. I noticed the same strange mole / abrasion on his face.

I imagine he had it removed to get better roles, like Mel Profit.

Oh, and welcome to the boards! :slight_smile:

Heh, this is embarrassing but there’s a site I like called where this dermatologist pretty much tells you what’s wrong with every movie star’s skin. The author of the site reports it as a cyst that was eventally drained. EW.

I’ve seen that Web site as well, but I’m not sure whether it’s legit or not. For example, what’s their source for this info? I’d like a second source for this info. :slight_smile:

Off Topic,

So that’s what Michael Jackson did, got a rather large lump protruding from his nose removed, it all makes since now.