Is Anal Intercourse a Popular Means of Birth Control Anywhere?

Again, from a book I’m reading, the mother and father of this kid discuss their younger days after they’d just met, and instead of having vaginal intercourse, they engaged in anal intercourse as a substitute. How common is that? I imagine it’s pretty effective as a means of birth control, except that if the semen drips or spills into the vagina at some point post-coitus, the risk is there that she will become pregnant.

I forget where now, but I’d read somewhere that a form of birth control popular in Catholic countries was anal intercourse. In Muslim countries in which women are out of reach, the men engage in anal intercourse with each other as a means of expending their sexual energy.

I’m told that it’s regularly practiced in Africa.

It’s pretty popular in the anus.

That would be up the ass, Bob.

I’m an 8th grade teacher in an inner-city school, and that’s a very, very common practice among my students. We try to emphasize that anal sex increases the risk of HIV transmission, but if they’re concerned about any consequences at all it’s only pregnancy.

My first reaction to the question was, “For half the population.”

My response to UWhite’s post above was, “Eighth graders?! Very, very common?!”

Geez. I went to an inner-city school, and the backdoor wasn’t even being considered as an alternative by anyone back then, as far as I can recall.

I am uncomfortable with the fact that you as an 8th grade teacher know this. Beyond the fact that every child in your class is under the statutory rape age. Why don’t you do your job and report those CHILDREN who are committing a felony? Maybe the inner city wouldn’t be so “inner city” if adults just did the right thing.

Actually, no.
One of my coworkers is proof that anal sex produces offspring.

It’s really such a pleasure working with him.

Becuse if you arrest every 8th grade boy you is sexually active these days, they schools will suddenly become girls schools.

And vice versa… or did you intend to arrest the girls as well, seeing as how they are guilty of the EXACT SAME “CRIME”??

Yeah, arresting them makes no sense at all. It shouldn’t even be illegal, imo.


When I said CHILDREN I did not distinguish between sexes. If they had enforced this practice since it became law, maybe things wouldn’t have been as bad as they are now. But since they are this bad and it clearly is wrong for children 14 and under to make these kinds of decisions, then I say the teachers and adults left with the responsibility of bringing up our children in our absence should take their responsibilities seriously and protect them as we, as parents, expect them to do. Since we legally are forced to leave them in their care in the first place.

Certainly. I’ll get right on that, once I’m done filling in the stack of paperwork that No Child Left Behind requires me to complete, and once the 3 school police officers have finished arresting the students who’ve committed actual crimes today.

Oh wait, you want me to teach too?

We don’t have the resources to control what they do off of school grounds. Heck, we have a hard time keeping them from getting it on in school. The best we can do is educate them about consequences. These are 14-15 year olds living in an extremely sexualized culture. We’re doing the best we can, and unless you’re coming in to help, I don’t wanna hear about it.

Statutory rape IS an actual crime. Just because a path is well traveled, doesn’t make it the right one. It is not your fault there are only three police officers there. Once they begin getting all the referrals, they will beef up the police. If any teacher ever said these things to me in my daughter’s eighth grade class I would have her/him brought before the school committee. Just because you don’t FEEL responsible doesn’t mean you aren’t. If your job is too overwhelming maybe you are in the wrong line of work, or at the least, maybe you should be teaching another higher grade.

I think it would be somewhat misguided, madline, to arrest young men on felony charges in order to prevent them from engaging in anal sex.

Um…doesn’t statutory rape require that one of the participants be of legal majority? I seem to recall that there needs to be some kind of significant age difference, coercion, or something like that.

I could be wrong. Wouldn’t be the first time.

Neverland ranch.

Madline, if you’re convinced of this, you’re free to pursue a job teaching, or otherwise working with teens, in urban areas.

madline needs to stick to the OP.

Anal sex is used as a form of birth control here in the US, at least by some people. I know two people, a friend and an acquaintance, who claim they practiced anal sex during their high school years to avoid pregnancy in the '70s and early '80s. When I heard about it, it surprised me a little because–although I’m no babe in the woods–it would have never occurred to me to do that in high school. My sense is that the sexually immature kids I grew up with tended to view anal sex as aberrant or extremely kinky–certainly not a realistic goal when just getting to second base could seem like pie in the sky.

There were also rumors of certain girls in high school who preferred anal sex in order to preserve their “virginity”. 'Cause, ya know, it’s not actually sex unless it’s vaginal. Right?