Why do black people think Napoleon shot off the Sphinx's nose?

From my recent studies of Islamic history, I’m pretty confident that it was destroyed by a Muslim around the twelfth or thirteenth century.

Recently it’s come up that no white people I’ve talked to know or care who did it but several black people are certain Napoleon did it.

What’s up? (And if anyone could give me any more information about the nose being removed, that’d be great.)

Never mind, found my own answers. This is what happens when you take classes with activists.


Possibly because it is commonly used as evidence of long standing racism against black people.

One of the most recent examples of the persistence of this falsehood was Louis Farrakhan’s “Million Man March” speech where he said: “White supremacy caused Napoleon to blow the nose off the Sphinx because it reminded you [sic] too much of the Black man’s majesty.” And the perpetuation of this myth in “Afrocentric” circles was even the subject of a segment of the U.S. television investigative journalism program “60 Minutes.”


I think a lot of white people believe this, too, but don’t have any reason to bring it up in conversation.

Did Napoleon’s troops shoot the nose off the Sphinx?

I remember when I was a kid (35 years ago or so) reading in “The Book of Marvels” by Richard Halliburton that Napolean’s artillery had shot off the Sphinx’s nose while taking target practice.

I’ve always believed this to be true, in a maybe-I-can-win-a-bar-bet-with-this-knowledge sort of way.

There seems to be a determined effort in Afrocentric circles to present Ancient Egyptians as negroid. Cleopatra, descended from a long line of Macedonians in the wake of Alexander the Great, is particularly misappropriated for this task. You can see from the occasional representation of negroid Africans (“Nubians”) in Egyptian art that Egyptians saw themselves in distinct contrast to them.

Awww, c’mon Anal Scurvy! I can’t believe you missed (or dismissed) this scholarly site!

Lessee… 2004 - 250 = 1754… fifteen years before Napoleon was born! NO WAY!!!


Those people in ancient Cairo just weren’t into cold blooded mammals.

I believed that for a long time and I’m not black.

Absurd. Maybe you should scrutinize your parents a bit more closely.


Radar was certainly around before the 60’s.

Oh come on. It’s not so bad. I believed that lemmings committed suicide for a long time, and that the coriolis force affects sink drains; does that make my parents deadbeats too?

My father thought that it was Napoleon’s fault, and not only is he white, but he’s a Classics major from an Ivy League university.

I don’t think that’s what he meant…

The good news is that the page was created by an elementary school student named James.

The bad news is that James’s teacher must have okayed the math and history found therein.

Apparently the local tour guides are perpetuationg this myth. My mother (who I’m pretty sure isn’t black) tried to tell me this after returning from a trip to Egypt a couple of years ago.

I also believed that. I was taught it in school. I’m not black either.


Right – it’s not exclusively or primarily a “black thing”, it’s just that it’s a common “Non-Urban Legend” that just happens to fit nicely into Bad Afrocentrist History.

For comparison, think of how many people are positive that it was (pick one) (a)Caesar (b) the Christians ©the Muslims that “burned the Library of Alexandria”. Depending on your predisposition to believe the worst about one particular culture or religion, you may be tempted to take one of those claims as deserving great credence.

Just to clarify, she was told that Napoleon’s soldiers shot the nose off, but was not told that it was because of racial motivations.

“Black People” do not believe this. This is a common urban legend and as was mentioned it fits in with some afrocentric theory. All black people are not afrocentrists.

as far as this goes you’re right in that some afrocentrists misrepresent the ethnicity of many ancient egyptians. Cleopatra was a greek.
however, there is abundant evidence that were “negroid” elements to the egyptian population. just as there were asian and semitic elements. The egyptians were definitely African (as egypt is located within africa) just as ethiopians, libyans and other north and east africans are. There were undoubtedly egyptians who walking down a street in modern america would be considered black. this is a tricky proposition though since race is a social construct rather than a biological one.
To bring this back to the OP, one reason why these claims are made is the systematic editing out of history ny trace of “black” people. Within a large part of the last century Ethiopians and Sudanese were not considered black. they were hamitic “Whites”, the reasons postulated were the traces of megalithic architecture in these areas precluded the posibility that the builders could have been African or “Black”. Afrocentrism is a reactionary response to eurocentrism. they’re both silly.

Oh I see. My bad. :o