So I took him back

I’ve mentioned in a couple of other threads that I’d been seeing a guy named Oscar and that he kinda sorta vanished on me. Well, he’s back, and I’ve taken him back. He called me Friday night and I agreed to meet him. We had a good talk (which started from a place of utter hostility on my part, “why should I give you another chance?”). The upshot is that he’s been under a lot of strain with his family and the fact that he hasn’t been working. Then he met me and apparently (I say with all modesty) fell for me like a ton of bricks. He was worried that my feelings for him were not as strong as his for me (which actually was true) and that I wasn’t serious about being with him and was only using him for sex (which most assuredly is not true). We’re back on solid ground again. He understands that my trust in him is diminished and that should he pull anything even remotely like this disappearing act again we’re through with no questions asked.

Good news is he’s working. It’s just a temp job through Valentine’s Day, but he’ll have some income and can kick in some funds toward the family’s living expenses (and more importantly, buy me something nice for V-Day). Unfortunately the hours are 5:30 PM to 2:30 AM which means with me working 8 AM to 5 PM we won’t see a lot of each other. We don’t know yet when his days off are (if any). But it’s not for that long. A friend of his gave him som English lessons on CD which he’ll be starting and I’ve started some Spanish lessons on CD (so far though I’ve only learned one new word, “entiendo” [I understand], which admittedly will probably be very helpful as we continue to stumble through our attempts to communicate, especially when preceded by “no”) so our communication skills with each other should continue to improve.

Things were rocky for a couple of weeks but I think we’ve gotten through an extremely rough patch and things should be easier going forward. Wish us luck!

Good luck!