Time compressed?

TBS is showing “Analyze This”, and before it started there was a note that it was edited for content, formatted for tv, and time compressed. I know what the first two are, but what do they mean by time compressed?

It simply means they edited out some nonessential parts in order for the film to run in the time allotted.

I believe they edit out some of the pauses in dialogue, tighten things up, that kind of thing.

It is also not impossible that they slightly speeded up the rate of presentation also, for time’s sake. Not enough to make everyone sound like they’re on helium, but enough to present the same information in a shorter time.

My R.S tape recorder has a play back featuree so you can listen to lecture tapes etc. at up to something like double the speed. It has provision to adjust thje pitch so that speach counds normal but a a mauch faster rate that the original tape.

Public speakers are nortoriously slow. The materially cuts the listening time with out loss of content.

HBO has been know to do this. I had a friend in the radio biz and it’s done there as well. There’s a certain percentage that audio and video can be speeded up so that the average person won’t notice. Assuming they haven’t actually edited out a scene, you can see if this happening by playing a regular copy of the movie versus the broadcast version. Eventually the broadcast version will move ahead.

This is done in order to fit a movie into a specific time slot, or, heaven fordbid, make room for another commercial.

The radio guy told me that they could squeeze in an extra 30-second commericial every hour or so and generate more income.

At the end of the movie, you may feel older than you thought you were, and some your warranties may have expired. By the end of your life, there may be vast blocks of time you don’t recall at all. I strongly urge you not to watch time-compressed movie near any election day. :eek: