I am so going to strangle my dog (TMI)

So, I’m taking the dogs outside today, when I spy my shih-tzu named Gizmo attempting to eat something from the ground. I go over to her and she isn’t about to let go. I’m trying to force her mouth open and at the same time gently shake loose of whatever she is attempting to swallow. I see this isn’t working well at all and decide to do a finger sweep of her mouth. When out pops a dried up turd. By this time I am very disgusted and pissed to say the least.

What is it with my dogs? Do they just like to irritate me? Is it let’s see what we can do to piss mom off today? I can give them a bath, let them outside and if they find a pile of poop somewhere, it’s all over with. They waller in it like it was a freshly drawn european mud bath. But today. Today was the clincher. Eating a turd? My dogs are well fed. This is not necessary. Grrrrr.

Welcome to the wonderful world of animal companionship. :smiley:

Let’s face it, dogs are uncivilized creatures. Before puppies are old enough to leave the “den” to do their business, mom-dog licks their little heinies to make 'em poop and she eats it. When mama-dog is eating for [insert number in litter plus one] she’s pooping for a similar number.

Some dogs just like the taste. I’ve only had one dog that liked to eat poop, and I’ve had several dogs thus far. Just make sure you don’t let sh-t-for-breath lick you and you should be okay. Just think of it as one of the little sacrifices you make each day in the name of hygeine.

Either that or give the animal to a kindly slob who isn’t bothered by such considerations.


My old man’s dog used to eat turds (her own too, at that! :eek: ) too.

I cannot begin to convey how disgusted that made me.

She’d do it whenever the upstairs neighbor vacuumed. :confused:

Worst Dog Story Ever -

Back in ‘78, my friends G—and E-- (names disguised to protect the innocent :wink: ), had a dog named Hector. Now Hector was sometimes left in the car while they visited people. They were cautious about shade and such, but the problem lay in ol’ Hector’s training, or lack thereoff. You see, Hector wasn’t quite car-trained.

When he had an accident, he’d try to remove the evidence. Being a dog, the easiest way to do that was to eat it.

Wait, it gets worse! :smiley:

One afternoon they happened by a friends place. Said friends had just got their hands on a pile of moosemeat. Being the generous sort, they passed a couple roasts on to G—and E–. They then put the frozen roasts in the car. With Hector. Guess what happened next?

Oh yeah, the fact that the moosemeat was frozen didn’t even slow him down. By the time they came back out, he’d pretty much downed a whole one. Now guess what happened next?

At some point later that day, probably when they went to G—'s parents house, Hector made a deposit. He also removed said deposit in the usual way. On top of a load of partially digested moose.

Shortly after, they came out of G—'s parents house with his mother in tow. She got in the backseat with a by now somewhat queasy Hector. They didn’t get far.

He barfed the whole lot straight into her lap! :eek:

My guinia pig used to eat it own poop too.

As if I needed further excuses to never have a dog; I´ll stick to goldfishes they don´t… no, wait, they do it too.

Pass me a Tamagochi. :rolleyes:

Yes. Dogs eat poop. My dogs thing that a snack out of the cats’ litterbox is the Best. Thing. Ever.

Oh my, yes, our yellow lab LOVES kitty litterbox treats. Yummy!

Dogs are great, but they can be totally disgusting. I was not at all surprised that the TMI tag here meant you have a shit-eater.

My dog will use the litter box to “freshen” his breath and then come over and try to lick my face.

“Lips that touch litter shall never touch mine!”

My dog eats plastic - preferably hard plastic - so I can’t leave him alone without supervision. I got him from the pound last year when I moved house, and, within the first week he had eaten the video remote and destroyed the cat flap on my double-glazed back door - I had to buy a new panel.

Since then he has demolished 2 drain covers, the hosepipe coiled on the pack wall of the house, the hosepipe holder, my answering machine, 2 dog collars, 2 leads, 4 dog harnesses… oh, the list goes on. I’ve tried to keep plastic away from him, but recently he’s started demolishing the concrete steps at the back door - I just can’t see the attraction of eating lumps of concrete, myself.

I’ve been told he’s just young, and will grow out of it … but will I still have a house when he does??? I feel like killing him sometimes, but he is so sloppy and affectionate - I always end up forgiving him - even though he has cost me hundreds in replacement costs.

This is why I have a cat, and will never get a dog. That is simply disgusting, especially considering that most dogs love to lick you or slobber all over you.

Of all the mental disorders our dogs could have, I am glad that poo-eating is not one of them, especially since there are a nontrivial number of dog owners who apparently think that it is beneath them to clean up after their little dears. Now, if I could just get them to let me know where the chicken bones are on the street so I can get to them before they chomp them down, we’d be hunky-dory.

Or perhaps the two legged animals could learn to NOT DROP THEIR F***KING FOOD REMAINS ALL OVER THE DAMN SIDEWALK.

A mother will also eat her puppies if they die.

It’s normal for hamsters (guinea pigs too, I guess) to eat their droppings. I read that they do this because their digestive systems aren’t very good at absorbing nutrients, so they sometimes eat their droppings to get the good stuff their bodies didn’t absorb the first time 'round.

Apparently, my cats never got the memo that told them they had to be less gross than dogs. I don’t think there’s anything more disgusting than watching one cat puke in the living room floor and then seeing the other cat “clean it up” before you can get to it with a paper towel.
Nope, nothing worse than that–except maybe for stepping in a pile of cold cat puke in the middle of the night on the way to the bathroom that the puke-cleaning cat must have missed.


It’s called “coprophagia”, and it’s somewhat common, especially among puppies or younger dogs. Dogs have an entirely different set of criteria than we do for what smells or tastes offensive. Take dog food, for example. Even premium food smells awful to me, but my dog enjoys it. And then there’s the whole ass-sniffing thing.

If a dog is coprophagic and goes out in your backyard, the best thing to do is to regularly clean up. On a leash, you’ll just have to keep an eye out for other dogs’ crap on the sidewalk or wherever (and that could inspire me to start a Pit thread on inconsiderate dog walkers who let their dogs crap wherever they please, like on my lawn).

Most dogs eventually grow out of it. You might also try switching to a higher quality dog food. It may cost more, but your dog can eat less of it, and usually, eat less dietary supplements of crap. Cheap dog food leaves some dogs craving…well, something that they’re missing, so they eat crap.

As for the ol’ nut-covered tootsie rolls, aka Dining at the Kitty Salad Bar, cat food tends to have a higher quantity of protein, and much of that passes right through to the litter box. Dogs don’t smell shit in there, they smell a tasty protein-laden treat. Yeah. Ewww. Dogs with this habit, and clumping litter, are a bad combo.

Of course, some dogs just dig the taste of crap. Like some kind of canine kinky scat fetish. Hopefully your dog won’t get into golden showers. :stuck_out_tongue:

There are products that you can add to your dog’s food that supposedly curb this behavior, though of course it only applies to eating their own crap. I see these in animal supply catalogs, and the description for products like “Forbid” cracks me up:

"Makes the taste of stools unpalatable to your dog."


WTF?!?!?!? It’s CRAP, fer christsakes. It’s already unpalatable!

My dog does not eat dog poo, but will eat cat poo…OOOOO crunchy tootsie rolls Mom, Mom, hey Mom, why don’t you love me any more, I just wanna kiss!

My dog does eat the cat vomit. It may be a good trade off as I haven’t stepped in cold cat vomit since I got the dog.

I believe my turd eating dog story can top all of yours. Husband, kids and I went to the beach with another couple and their dog. While playing in the surf my 5 year old tells me he has to use the bathroom. I assume he means pee so I tell him to just go in the water. (Don’t give me grief for this, whales do shit in the ocean, I’m told) The shower to the house is outside which btw was awesome. Anyway, i’m helping my kid get undressed in the shower when I realize he meant he had to poop and since I told him to go ahead, he did! Poor kid had been carrying around that log for sometime. So I gather the turd in his suit and head inside to flush it in the toilet. As I was walking toward the bathroom the turd falls out of the leg of the suit and before I could EVEN think about picking it up, that dog came out of nowhere and goobled that turd up lickety split! I thought I would die or barf or both. I couldn’t even tell my friend what had happened until the next day because everytime I tried I would start gagging. I NEVER let that dog lick even a toe after that.

Ya’ll have a good day now, ya hear!

Yes, cats are gross in their own way. My friend’s cat puked up a (mostly) undigested mouse on her dining room table one day. This is the same cat that would try to come over and touch her face with his front paws directly after using the litterbox.

I’ll take a crap-eating dog over that any day.

I dunno, I have a pretty gross one. We were watching a friend’s dog for an extended weekend, rather than have her put him in a kennel. I came home from work, and our dog (Cole) went running for the door wanting out. I opened the door and he shot through so quickly, it actually banged off of his hips as he ran. The other dog (Harley), thinking this was a game followed Cole out to the bathroom corner of the yard. I watched with horror, as Cole proceeded to have diarrhea. Not because he had an upset tummy, rather because Harley ran up to him, and proceeded to gulp it down as it was coming out. I think Cole was as stunned as I was. :barf smiley I voted for goes here: