Song Lyrics and origin request

I suspect this is mundane enough for this forum:

I have a snippit of a song running through my head and it’s driving me nuts. I’m mostly certain that it came from the old kid’s TV show “Romper Room”. Can anyone confirm this? I can remember the following lyrics:

Bend and stretch
Reach for the stars
Here comes Jupiter,
There goes Mars
Bend and strech
Feeling so grand
Watch the tempo

Anyone else remember this? Can anyone provide the rest of the lyrics? Is there a clip of part of this song anywhere on the web? This stupid song has lodged itself in my brain.



*Watch the tempo
…something *

Actually, it’s
“Stand on tippy-toes
Oh so high.”

My sister was on it; I had to watch; and the local ‘hostess’ “Miss Laurie” came to her birthday party for a few years after. Each was exquisite torture of its own reasons.

You are correct, Steve, that did come from the children’s show, <i>Romper Room</i>. I’m embarrassed to admit this, but here are the words…

Bend and stretch, reach for the sky
Stand on tippy-toes, oh so high
Bend and stretch, reach for the stars
There goes Jupiter, here comes Mars

There was another one that you sang while walking with a plastic basket on your head that went…

See me stand so straight and tall
I won’t let the basket fall
Eyes ahead and don’t look down
Keep that basket off the ground.

Sheesh, I can’t believe the useless knowledge that’s stored in my head.

Were you a good Do-Bee or a bad Do-Bee?

Remember when, at the end of each show, she’d look in her “magic mirror” and recite…

Magic mirror, tell me today
Did all my friends have fun at play?
I see Jimmy and Susie and Lori and Mark
And a happy special day to Jill

Yep - she actually wished me a happy special day on my 5th birthday. LMAO!

Ok, I’m leaving before I can never show my face in this forum again.


Shayna - were you on Romper Room? I was, and I can remember being so disappointed that the “magic mirror” was just a mirror frame - I was also strange 'cause I kept going off and doing something other than what the rest of the group was doing(at least that’s what Mom tells me).

Dancing to a different drummer even then…

ok so I found the song on youtube and thought you may like to look at it and reminisce? I believe the real words are:
Bend and stretch,
Reach for the stars,
There goes Jupiter,
Here comes Mars,
Bend and stretch,
Reach for the stars,
Stand on tipee toe oh so high.

Hope this helps you.