Longest word in alphabetical order?

A simple question: what’s the longest common (or uncommon) word in the English language where the letters are in alphabetical order? The longest one I can think of offhand is “abbess” with six letters, but I’m sure there’s longer.

I used to hear Big Bird, of Sesame Street, sing about one that he pronounced this way: “Ab-ka-def-hig-jekyll-ma-nop-per-cue-verks-is”. I’m not sure of the spelling, but IIRC it was indeed alphabetical.

Sorry I can’t be of more help.

AEGILOPS – See here about 6 paragraphs down.


Seriously? The word that Big Bird was saying was the alphabet.

Hmm…I don’t think “woosh” would count as one, would it?



No, it was more like


Are you people dense?

Big Bird sang:

“Ab-cd-ef-ghi-jk-lmno-pqrs-tuv-wxyz.” Hello? “Alphabet Song” ring a bell?

Chefguy, see Captain Amazing’s post above.

I think Scarlett67 got it.

I see “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!” in comic books a lot.

How about alloquy, beefily, begorry, billowy, and egilops with seven?

So what’s the longest word backwards?

6 abbess
6 abcees
6 abhors
6 accent
6 accept
6 access
6 accloy
6 accost
6 achoos
6 acknow
6 addeem
6 adders
6 addios
6 adeems
6 adoors
6 afflux
6 agloos
6 almost
6 begilt
6 begins
6 begirt
6 beknot
6 bellow
6 bijoux
6 billow
6 biopsy
6 bloops
6 blotty
6 cellos
6 chikor
6 chills
6 chilly
6 chimps
6 chinos
6 chintz
6 chippy
6 chirrs
6 chitty
6 chivvy
6 choosy
6 choppy
6 cloops
6 clotty
6 deffly
6 dehort
6 dekkos
6 dikkop
6 efflux
6 effort
6 ellops
6 fillos
6 floors
6 floosy
6 floppy
6 flossy
6 ghosty
6 gimmor
6 gloops
6 gloopy
6 gloppy
6 glossy
6 hillos
6 knotty
7 addeems
7 beefily
7 billowy
7 chikors
7 dikkops
7 gimmors

7 pigfeed
7 skiffed
7 sniffed
7 snigged
7 soogeed
7 spiffed
7 sponged
7 spoofed
7 spooked
7 spooled
7 spoomed
7 spooned
7 tommied
7 trigged
7 trogged
7 trolled
7 troolie
7 vroomed
7 woolled
7 wronged
8 spoonfed
8 trollied
9 spoonfeed

(I like backwards better, as there’s one word at the top, and it’s not obscure)

for those that care:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>

#define BUFFERSIZE      8192
#define MAXLEN          40
#define DICT_FILE       "/usr/share/dict/words"

main( int argc, char **argv ) {
        char    word [ MAXLEN ];
        int     len;
        FILE    *fptr;

        if( !( fptr = fopen( DICT_FILE, "rt" ) ) ) {
                 printf( "Cannot open Wordfile!
" );
                 exit( 1 );

        if( setvbuf( fptr, NULL, _IOFBF, BUFFERSIZE * 2 ) )
                exit ( 1 );

        while( fgets( word, MAXLEN, fptr ) != NULL ) {
                if( ( len=isinorder( word )) > 0 ) {
                        printf( "%d %s", len, word );

int isinorder( char *word ) {
        char    last = 127;
        int     len = 0;

        for( ; *word != '
'; word++ ) {
                if( tolower( *word ) > last ) {
                        return 0;
                last = tolower( *word );
        return len;