Girls' sex dreams (possible TMI)

Ok, I know guys have wet dreams, and that everyone has dreams about sex occasionally, but I didn’t realise it was possible for a girl to orgasm during a dream without any kind of physical stimulation.

I disproved my hypothesis recently.
Freaked me out.

This happens to other women, right?

What do you care if this happens to other women? You are having orgasms in your sleep - consider yourself lucky some women never have orgasms.

I once knew a Mormon girl (well, technically a woman at 26, but still unwed and…ahem…unbroken) who had VERY strong principles about premarital sex as well as masturbation. Both big no-nos. We were fairly close but because our beliefs were so different we were able to stay just friends. She came to me all concerned one day about just such a dream. Evidently it had been fairly vivid as you’d expect one would have to be to elicit such a response. So I, the heathen, had to assure her in her own terms that she was probably still OK.

But try as I might Icouldn’t get her to give me details of the dream. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, it happens to other women.

It’s happened to me twice, proving to me that there is, in fact, a goddess. :smiley:

I have to say it rates right up there at the top of Nicest Ways to Wake Up…

Okay, and for all you guys reading this (you know the ratio is about 5 to 1), a corollary situation:

I am a guy, and I’ve occasionally in the past had erotic dreams that result in genuine climax, but NOT ejaculation. Unfortunately, now every time I have a dream where I’m about to have sex, my brain hits the pause button and wakes me up because I don’t want to, er, make a mess if I have a dream-gasm.

This would be very frustrating if I wasn’t married… :wink:

Just thought I’d share.

I’m with you man. THen I have to finish it off manually because GF is usually asleep. At least that way I can clean up easilly and not have to explain the mess on the sheets. :wink:

Happens to me all the time. Its one of the reasons I love being female… no mess to clean up in the morning, and I always wake up feeling refreshed.

Oh, the joys of lucid dreaming… :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

heheh. One of my guy friends in college just couldn’t grasp the concept that this sort of dream wasn’t messy. He finally believed us when we (he was the only male in the conversation) told him that the only way you know for sure is if you wake up at the, um, end :smiley:

Other women get them. I have a few times about a really hot rockstar. Those are the best. :smiley: I love being a girl :smiley:

Not just me then. :smiley:

I was freaking out because I NEVER have sex dreams, flying monkeys in giant mazes, yes, sex, no. So I wasn’t really expecting it, and put it down as a freaky one-off. Turns out that once it’s happened, it happens more easily next time.

It is indeed a great way to start the day, and being a girl, means I can roll over, grab my guy and do it again, doubling the fun.

The human body continues to amaze me.

Bigtime sex dreamer here.
I will have them if I’ve gone 2 weeks or more without the real thing.
They’re nice, but they can be… frustrating.

I tend to have them when I’m nearing my period. It usually ends up with me waking up wanting to pee, though, because I’ve had no real experience with what “doing it” is like and generally just end up exciting my bladder. ^^;;

I’ve also had dreams of having the opposite gender’s parts. :eek: (Damn you, Ranma 1/2!)

Its those hot sexy flying monkeys in giant mazes dreams you have to watch out for.

Have I had them?


Though only once that I recall was to completion. I woke up when I orgasmed… shocked the hell outta me as that’s the first time that had happened (dream going to completion, not first orgasm). Usually I wake up with dreams of hot guys running in my mind and feeling frustrated. Which was especially bad when I was pregnant.

It always makes me wish my sweetie was nearby.

I have these about once a month.

I likey. :cool:

Exactly right for me too. Been having them infrequently since about 15 or so. Funnily enough, I tend to get them on Sundays. I think it is because I usually sleep in–which means I spend more time in the more lucid phase of sleep. I think the fuller bladder helps as well, but damned if I can figure out why. Whatever the reason, I am glad to have them, even with the occasional frustration. :smiley:

Also, I could have sworn that Cecil did a column about this, but I cannot find it. Did I imagine it?

I’m not sure if I should say this, but TMI? No way - if anything, TLI.

Post count : Views through the roof! :smiley:

Ohhh, I’d have had a ball with her (teasingwise). :smiley: You should have told her the story about the Incubus demon spirit and what will happen to her if she has another dream like that , then show up at her house one night, dressed in an Incubus costume, with a hard on and a big grin on your face (LOL) :smiley: