To the doctor who made a deadly mistake

I have no good words for you. I don’t hate you, but I hate what you have done. My (online) friend was only going in to get his tonsils taken out. Simple procedure, right?


So you went and cut an artery in the process. He even went home for a bit, but when he was shittin’ blood they took him back to the hospital. He lost so much fucking blood he slipped into a coma. Still, that’s not too bad right?

Wrong. Again.

Yesterday he flat lined for over six minutes. Only barely responding to immense pain. Severe brain damage. He hung on for a few more hours. Passed away at 12:22, my time, or CST.

Nineteen fucking years old. Gonna be a sophomore in college. Had a lovely girlfriend, who was pregnant. IS pregnant. Was/Is a twin.

The kid played this one online game for years. Over 100-150 people on at a time. We love him. We miss him. Even had a friend who he found lived in the same town as him. Now the guy is alone again. They were/are best friends.

We’ve been reduced to passing out memorial bracelets in our online gathering place. Remembering him. His love. His company. The good times and the bad. And the music plays in the background. Spent hours crying last night, biting on a bunched up paper towel. Trying to understand.

We’ve been lucky. We, as a community, sat down last night and tried to remember all our deaths in the last decade, on this online game. We came up with four. Total. Two illnesses, one suicide, and Giles’ accident. The average player is so young.

We’ve been lucky.
It’s not “Fuck you”, Doctor. Just “fuck your mistake”. Because you’re hurting just like we are.

Giles Courtier
10-10-85 / 05-21-04
You have touched so many lives, all around. May we never forget.

I’m terribly sorry for your community’s loss.

Sorry to hear about your friend. My thoughts are with you.

Whoa. You have my sympathies, Shadez. That’s rediculously awful.

Hugs to you Shadez . I am sorry to hear about your loss. :frowning:

I’m sorry for your loss, and I admire you for having the wisdom and compassion, even in the midst of your grief, to say this:

My condolences. A horrible thing for all concerned.

Anywhere from one in 35,000 to one in 50,000 tonsillectomies will result in a death from hemorrhage.


That answers my next question, “Howinhell do you DIE from a TONSILLECTOMY?”

We live in an arbitrary and cruel universe. I’m sorry to hear about this tragic death. I just hope hat someday we will begin to truly understand our bodies and be able to fix them without mistakes.

About one in 15,000 tonsillectomies will result in death from anesthesia complications.

OMG… Shadez, I’m so sorry.

And I never realized that people could die from a tonsillectomy.


Shadez I am sorry for you loss.

Sadly, even the most minor of surgeries could result in horrible complications, and even death.

I am so sorry for your loss. And I am honored that you chose to share your compassion with us.

Counting my blessings that my tonsillectomy last summer went without a hitch.

It truely sucks, Beyond words, that some one can die from a sore throat, in this day and age.

My deepest condolences.

A horrible, haunting story.

This is so sad. I hope his child will be provided for. If his community sets up a trust (as sometimes happens, especially if someone goes to the media), his child might actually be wealthier than if he’d lived. 19 is a tough age to become a parent, especially if you’re still in school and not established on your career track yet. I hope his girlfriend gets lots of support, emotionally and financially.

He sounds like a wonderful person. I’m sorry he’s not with us anymore.

I send my condolences Shadez having experienced this situation first hand.

It almost happened to me when I was around 10. Had the operation and everything was fine and dandy until a couple weeks later when I was rushed to hospital in my nan’s car literally bringing up blood like I was a running tap. By the time I was at the hospital I was unconscious. It could have ended so much worse and I am so grateful that it did not.

My prayers go to Gile’s family, his friends, and especially his g/f and his child. It is so unfortunate to have lost such a valued individual.

I’m going into surgery on my lung in a few days.

With a surgeon I don’t even know. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

I’m sorry for your loss.