Ever been to a State Funeral?

Have any Dopers ever been to a State Funeral? What is it like?

Please, this is not a thread to discuss your opinion of the deceased, whether it be Reagan, Johnson, Princess Diana, or whoever. There are other threads for that. I am interested in getting a feel for the ceremony. Thanks.

Not a state funeral, but I went to President Reagan’s viewing.

Details here.

I also was an usher at the funeral for Senator John Heinz of Pennsylvania, some years ago. This wasn’t a state funeral, but had significant presence of politicians.

Nitpick-Princess Diana did not have a state funeral.

Did Nixon have one?

I do not recall Nixon’s funeral to be a State Funeral. I think it was a “private” funeral that was covered by the news outlets. Heads of state an/or their representatives attended, but I don’t think that qualifies it as a State Funeral.

Nixon’s family declined to have a state funeral.