AAAACK! Penis zit!

Is this EVER normal? This is the first time I’ve ever seen a penis zit. I popped it, and light yellow pus squirted out. That was cool. But I’m afraid. Anyone else had this happen to them?

counts weird zit places he’s had so far
Bottom of nose
Inside of ear
Lots inside eyebrows
Some on head
<NEW!>Penis, about 2 inches from the base<NEW!>
Tops of arms covered in them… always have been since I can remember.

IDHAP but… if women can get them in/on their girlie bits, I’m betting boys can get them unpleasant places too. There are probably a lot of men with penis zit stories they’ve just been waiting to tell.

I hope so… zit stories are always fun… but it was crazy b/c this one had a nice head on it, (giggle giggle! Junior high pun!) like it had been forming for a couple of days. Guess I just don’t masturbate enough, and that’s it trying to get out the side.

I have had penis zits on occasion. I don’t worry about them because the first time was when I was still a virgin, and because all my tests have always been clear.

There was the time I had chicken pox… :eek:

You think that’s bad? I found 2 little hairs growing out of my shaft the other day!! Now i feel like a freak.

My husband is heavy, and I once found an advanced zit on the top of his shaft near the base. When he was not erect if was tucked away and invisible. Well, I noticed it when giving him a bj. BJ stopped for me to pop that sucker. It was huge! Yellow pus squirted out and then bits sloughed off until there was a crater, over a quarter inch deep and wide. Cleaning it stung him, but it healed quickly and has not returned.

Hey, all of ya? Thanks so much for playing “Too Much Information”. We have some nice gifts for ya. Vanna! Tell 'em what they’ve won!

Been there, done that. No big deal. Just wait till they come to a head (no pun intended) and squeeze the heck out of them.

You had to go and remind me – I had one of those once.

It was a most satisfying zit-pop, but YOWCH! it hurt.

I should have known better than to open this thread…


What IS it with Dopers that makes then feel the need to tell tales of pustule eruptions!


<walks away muttering “Dang… shouldn’t have EVEN bothered to open that thread”"


Ohhhhhh, so woozy…so very, very woozy…


That’s called puberty, dear. :stuck_out_tongue:

Or do you mean further up than close to the base? Part of my bush grows from the base of my dick… I’ve always found it completely normal.

The mature adult me said, don’t open this thread it will be gross.

The eight year old boy in me said <snerk> chaoticdonkey said penis zit! <snerk> I gotta open this thread.

That dang eight year old boy wins everytime! :smiley:

Oh, and I feel safe in pronouncing chaoticdonkey the hands down winner of this week’s MPSIMS TMI Award. It’s a lovely statuette of a toilet with a mature adult standing over it barfing while an eight year old boy stands by and says <snerk> :stuck_out_tongue:

Why, thank you. I think the AAAACK! (All caps and 4 A’s is critical!) really set it apart from all of the other “Penis Zit!” entries.

Then again, I checked it out again last night and when it’s soft, you almost couldn’t tell it’s there. May have to do with the fact that I drained gobs of thick yellow pus from it too.

Crap. TMI brings enough attention to itself. I thought it necessary to make it bigger for the squeamish. Harder to ignore, etc. The world must know about my pus!

My friend, the quest for your definitive sig line has come to an end. :smiley:

Hands-down winner of the TMI Award? Did you read lee 's post?

Yes, but while lee’s post was gross and very TMI in it’s content, chaoticdonkey’s use of descriptives gave him a distinct edge. Plus he threw in other examples of zit infestations as illustrations of his overall TMIness. The final deciding factor was the fact that chaoticdonkey felt the need to start a thread so all the world would know of his pus. lee may not have felt compelled to share her penis zit and pus story had he not started this thread.

This award is not given lightly. Serious consideration is given to all entries.

I’ve never had a penis zit, but I do the the occasional ingrown hair or zit on my balls. The ball sac ones are never fun to pop though, there’s usually not a lot of pus.

I do, however, have some wonderful hemorrhoids.