Anal bleaching: wot's, uh, the deal?

Urban legend, or based in fact? It has been posited that perhaps aging pornstresses resorted to such cosmetic measures to keep their fundaments light and fluffy. Something about rectifying (heh) the darkening that belies a youthful leather donut? :eek:

Much like the (long debunked) Richard Gere/gerbilling UL, this one seems to have attached Lara Flynn Boyle’s name to it, of all people.

If this is real, why are all the googly sites I’ve found simply references to someone who has “heard about it” and none from people who’ve actually had it done? Most tellingly, why doesn’t Google yield a megaload of sites (complete with pop-ups) of clinics specializing in such procedures?

I hope this is just an urban legend. This is more disturbing on so many levels, as the collagen implanted lips, or the cosmetic foot surgery. If there is such a product that will definitely lighten bottoms, could that be the real reason behind Michael Jackson’s apparent Caucasian Conversion?

If this is real, can someone explain what would motivate someone to opt for a white chocolate starfish?

I have nothing to add, except can you imagine your horror if you were a celebrity, and you read that your name was somehow associated with something like “anal bleaching”? :eek: :smiley:

Does that mean it’s no longer all pink on the inside? :wink:

Maybe it’s a misprint, and should read breaching?!

Just when I thought I had heard everything. :eek:

I read about this is a Cosmo once. Shut up! It was the only thing in the waiting room ok!
Some lady said when she was in Brazil with a friend, they were both working as strippers. And for the job, they had to have their anuses bleached. Apparently it was just the normal thing to do down there.
She explained the process as that she just lied down on a table, and some guy just basically scrubbed away with some cool liquid until it was pink.

Apparently it was good, she got it done after that I think.

And I suppose for the gay man, it would just be the tips of the ass hairs being bleached, and then gel added to make cool spikes? :stuck_out_tongue:

I can honestly say, though, that I’ve never heard of anal bleaching. I can’t wait to see how this turns out…

(And would it cost more for someone with a stretched anus?)

…and then preening it every time they pass a mirror?

Goatse would go bankrupt.

Putting the quoted doctors’ phone numbers into Google do return the names of the doctors quoted, so they appear to be real.

But note the fine print at the bottom:

Putting anus bleaching or anal bleaching into Google - yes, I am that brave - returns a lots of porn sites with no actual mention of anus bleaching on the page.

It also returns a number of hits that all appear to merely cite the Observer article (directly or indirectly).

The best commentary on the article is this one.

Urban legend? Probably.

No. Not preening. Perfecting.

I’m embarrassed to know this; The Chicago White Sox are known as the Pale Hose , or is that Pale Ho’s? So maybe this story is older than Ms. Boyle. :dubious:

Naahhh. Probably not.