Whatever happened to Earl Scheib?

“I can paint any car for $99.95”

Earl himself died about 10 or 15 years ago, but what happened to his company?

I read that after his death, they were planning to up paint jobs to $129.95.

Did this dramatic price increase cause a catastrophic cash-flow reaction from the budget-conscious public?

Does anyone know anyone who ever got an Earl Scheib paint job, and how good it was?

I know the company still exists, but I’m not sure of the price. I AM sure it’s not $99. I’ve seen ads here in Northern California.

There are several here in So. Cal. I didn’t know he snuffed it, though.

Urban Legend: Earl Scheib’s son was convicted on federal weapons charges back in the 1970s when federal agents discovered a cache of machine guns and explosives on his property.

True; or false?

I got a paint job from Earl Scheib early in the '80s and they did a good job. The paint started to oxydize within a couple of years, but I think I only waxed it once or twice so it is probably my fault.

I wonder how much Earl’s funeral cost.

“I can bury any man for $99.95!”

The business is still around, although there’s no longer the fun commercials for it:


(And in case you didn’t get a present yet- I know this is a little late but it’ll still be appreciated: http://earlscheib.com/coupon-cutout.htm )

Here I go, dating myself again. I remember;
“I’ll paint any car for $29.95”.
I think it was originally $19.95.
This is not one of those times that
“Make you feel young again”. :slight_smile:
mangeorge (Dating, not dating)

Plus, they used Bondo for everything…

Hey, don’t knock Bondo, its the miracle material. I’ve even used it to patch a decent sized hole in the wall when I didn’t have any drywall scraps about.

The company is still around and kicking. My best-bud’s room mate is a manager for one here in the Bay Area. They also have some funny shirts that they they sell that say :

"Let me look under your hood! Paint jobs for $29.95!"

Nowadays their paint jobs run for about $200 when you add in all the extra crap they charge you for. The base price is $160 though. But I can get one for free :stuck_out_tongue:


You can do it yourself for less…not less than free.

Oddly enough back in the 80’s a radio station i listened to did a spoof of him and it was “earl Slab” “I’ll bury any body anywhere for 99.95”

Back in '76, a friend of mine got his Maverick Sheib’d. Back then they didn’t do any prepping, they just shot it.

Steve didn’t even wash it!

It stayed on for about a month, as I recall.

We were driving out to Canyon Lake, when I see his hood start to ripple. I thought it was an optical illusion until a large piece of paint blew off and stuck to the windshield!

After that, the poor maverick was scabrous looking blue and gold…