What's sillier than Freedom Fries? W Ketchup!

I just saw on Fox News that an entrepeneur in New York has come out with a new brand of ketchup – “W,” which according to him could stand for George W. Bush or George Washington – for Republicans who like ketchup but don’t want to further enrich Teresa Heinz-Kerry.


I read in Mother Jones recently that Kerry’s wife was far from thrilled about John running for president, and now I can see at least one reason why. I wonder if this will really make any serious dent in the Heinz Co.'s profits?

Moderator’s Note: Surely there’s nothing really to debate here, right? I’m sending this one down to the BBQ Pit.

we Could debate whether to spell it ketchup or catsup.

Oh, relax. It’s a bit of a lark. Humorous. And tasty, as far as ketchup goes. But hey, you should try it for yourself!

Political ketchup.
Hey, if he makes a buck with it, more power to him. He’s certainly not goimg to put a crimp in Heinz’s earnings.

At three dollars a bottle? I think not.

Besides, I’m from Pittsburgh. You’ll get my Heinz ketchup when you pry it from my cold, salty, greasy fingers.

After a hearty meal of conservative catsup, treat yourself to some inane ice cream

I mean, you don’t want to miss out on such flavors as “I Hate the French Vanilla” and “Choc and Awe,” do you?

“Choc and Awe” Choc and Awe!! OK, that fucking tears it! How much does a hit man cost? Will they take a check? Can we, like, start some kind of fund, maybe internet bake sales, or something?

OK, I know I moved this from Great Debates, but I just can’t resist: Heinz Co. has donated thousands to GOP, nothing to Kerry.

So in other words, yes, it’s a completely inane dumb marketing stunt by some guy who wants to sell overpriced ketchup to gullible Republicans.

Well, naturally, since the Heinz family was originally Republican.

Of course, the article seems to be repeating the old canard about Heinz shipping jobs overseas. (Of course they do-Heinz is a global corporation, and sells its products on probably every populated continent. Not EVERYTHING can be produced in Pittsburgh)

Gosh, I wonder where you got that one?

Well, hell, if you dont want to buy stuff from corporations that support the Bushiviks, you’re pretty much down to Ben and Jerry’s, Birkenstocks, tofu, and cocaine. Not all that sure about the cocaine, either.

Actually, I got it from the San Diego Union-Tribune by way of Google.

See, they’re an apolitical company for people who don’t like Democrats. That makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?

“All Americans” meaning, of course, “people who don’t support Democrats”, because as everyone knows, Democrats are Commie Pinko Frenchmen.

Like I said “completely inane dumb marketing stunt by some guy* who wants to sell overpriced ketchup to gullible Republicans”.

*Or guys.

I would remind you that were it not for the French, there would be no America.

Upon further review, it would appear that my sarcasm meter had malfunctioned. Carry on.

And yet another humorless one. Sad.

Also, I don’t really get the whole ‘overpriced’ quip. It’s about 75 cents per bottle more, when compared to ‘normal’ Heinz. For the ‘ha ha’ factor at the backyard barbques alone, it’s worth that pittance.

Actually, Heinz yucks it up on their normally priced labels. The last one we got said something like “Easier to spell than Worcestershire”.

The last one I saw said something like “Directions for use: Eat.”

Somehow, that seems so zen.

Reagan said ketchup is a vegetable …

W is a vegetable (oh the unintended irony!) …

you are what you eat …

therefore, Heinz-eschewing Republicans are vegetables!

I don’t use that much ketchup, and honestly never liked Heinz, going way back to my childhood. Not enough tomato flavor, sort of like how there is orange juice and orange drink (Heinz). If given a choice I’d get Hunts, or IIRC McDonald used their own brand which is also far supperior.

As for W Ketchup, it may be a hit, not because it doesn’t help Kerry, but because people will know there is a real difference and might like a ‘better tasting’ ketchup.

FWIW, now if I do use the stuff it’s the Atkins Ketch-a-tomato which again (IMHO) if far superior to Hinez.

As for the OP, that’s what we call the free market system, it’s really a great way to allow shulbs on the low end of the payscale to be able to become rich, no need to marry a earl, no need to have your son blow up a building. Just come up with a product (or service) that people want and desire.