Kerry Campaign Stiffs Airport

Island Airport Wants Its Share of John Kerry Catering Bill - July 23, 2004, Cape Cod Times

Okay, it looks like it was probably done by an underling with a bad attitude and an extremely overactive sense of entitlement. But now it’s in the news and it should have come to the attention of higher-ups in the campaign and the candidate himself, who, if he had any class, would’ve opened his wallet right then and there. He’s a billionaire. The campaign is up to its eyeballs in cash. (If you can consider this a legitimate campaign expense.) The bill is less than $1,000. This is how Nantucket Airport can afford to serve its ritzy customers in the manner in which they are accustomed.

I can’t begin to contemplate how anyone (Mr. Lalka) could think that this was a reasonable argument with the airport, or that the campaign ought to be cut a break on something that is standard and has even been paid by the Kerrys (for personal events) without blinking in the past.

Bad, bad form, Kerry folks. The uber rich trying to weasel out of paying a legitimate debt owed a small business operation? Isn’t that exactly what you guys bitch about in your “two Americas” spiel? Haven’t you gone on at length about how the moneyed, privileged people in our society get away without paying their fair share? Did you mean yourselves, or what?

Kerry can’t be bothered knowing what’s happening to little people (despite his pledges to help them). If you don’t believe it, see what some lefties have said in this thread:

For example:

New Talking Point, coming to a Fox “News” Channel near you: Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat Deadbeat

That should read “Fox Nooze™”, not to be confused with actual news or, you know, facts, or anything like that.

The cited article is not from Fox News.

Do you have any evidence Kerry was even aware of this? It sounds like some billing snafu, or a disagreement, with FUNCTIONARIES of the campaign.

Apparently, anyone with any kind of a beef about anyone is now Kerry’s responsibility. He’s supposed to fly around like superman getting cats out of trees, or he doesn’t care about “the little guy.” No evidence is needed to support any complaint about Kerry, and the connections need be not not be clear.

New! FOX brand super absorbent newsettes!

Some guys dog just took a dump on my lawn. Where’s Kerry? I thought he cared about the little guy?

Is that the tactic? Jump into threads that don’t bash Bush and hijack them into joke threads? You put the ass in class.

The airport is complaining because they weren’t paid a 25 percent fee for coordinating/handling catering, even though they didn’t coordinate the catering? And then they are complaining because they reminded the guy they were dealing with that he had to have them coordinate the catering (because apparently everybody else does it), and then he wanted to haggle?

Would the airport charge a 25 percent fee if the guy drove to a sandwich shop and picked up the fucking food himself? The first time, the guy coordinating the catering for the Kerry campaign did just that–he coordinated the catering. Why should the airport be paid for doing nothing? The second time, the catering coordinator agreed to let the airport coordinate (essentially doing his job for him) and disagree with the amount they wanted to charge, probably because he already knew he could do it and it was what he was supposed to be doing. Why should the campaign pay for a service twice just because the airport chooses this way to earn additional money?

I’m having a hard time getting pissed at the Kerry catering coordinator when the airport is just insisting that everyone pay a 25 percent premium for any catering done on the island. Just because everyone else typically pays for a useless service doesn’t mean the Kerry campaign should.

Do you really want people in office that are willing to throw away that kind of money? Paying twice for essentially the same services? I’d like someone a little more fiscally responsible, myself. :wink:

A good argument, Stretch.

let me see if I have this right - Kerrys campagin aides fail to pay a bill and htat is Kerrys personal responsability.

Bush cites flawed intelligence reports, leads us into an unholy expensive mess that involves great losses in lives and tax dollars for who knows how many more years, but he is not personally responsible

good to know.

Meanwhile, the Red Sox are playing after all, so Kerry’s cleared on those grounds as well.

No, you don’t have it right. Neither does the uber-hysterical Skutir. Stretch has it right.

Geez, the Right only has 3 more months of us bitching about things like killing our soldiers in a war he lied about to start, taking away our liberties, and leaving the country in a terrible mess (ok, we’ll probably be bitching about all that for a while yet), while we have to look forward to 4 years and 3 months of the Right bitching about every single little piddly-shit thing they can make up or blow out of porportion.

Don’t worry Lib, when Bush appoints a Special Prosecutor right before he leaves office, the SP can spend billions of our tax dollars investigating little shit like this.

Actually, that one kinda came out of my uneducated ass. I’m very ignorant about the Special Prosecutor. Why was there one during Clinton and not during Bush, and could Bush put one in place before he leaves?

He could, but he won’t. The SP typically would be charged with investigating his own admnistration.

Ehhhhh…This won’t fly. Now that the news is out, they should pay. Even if it isn’t really absolutely justified in their mind. This is nickle and dime stuff to them, it would be easier, I should think, to pay to make it go away.

If other big name celebrities are paying without pitching a fit, then it just makes them look like petty skinflints to not pay. Or, if they don’t want to pay, they can deal with the local Cape Cod news (and eventually, other news outlets) picking up the story and running with it. Which looks like it’s starting to happen.

I’ll tell you what this reminds me of—I used to work in a well-to-do area, and a lot of “rich bitches” came into the store where I worked. The richer they were, it seemed like the cheaper they were. I swear, I don’t know what the deal was. A lot of us employees noticed it.

Whether or not this is the case with Kerry, (and it very well might not be), it’s gonna look that way when this news gets out, and it’s looking that way to me right now. Because I’ve seen this sort of thing before, and it annoys me. Rich people nickle and diming the little guy, or bickering over (relatively) small charges that others in the same position pay without complaint.

If Kerry had lit the restaurant on fire with a big fatty and then run laps around it in a loincloth yelling “Hey Hey, Ho Ho, the Nantucket Airport Restaurant has got to go” while it burned to the ground, I would still vote for him.

If someone were killed in the fire, I might reconsider voting for him, but only if it could be proven in a court of law that Kerry had intended to harm them.

That’s just ignorant. The staff member who questioned the bill should be fired, immediately.