Why isn't there an anti Viagra? My wife...

who is a volunteer fire fighter recently commented how many of the guys at the fire station complained that they don’t have as much sex now that they are married. I told her that this just reenforces the necessity for what I call an “anti sex” pill. I know many men who have done very stupid things that often relate to the sex drive. I say create a commercially available anti sex drive people and it will have the net result of “liberating” many men from their sex drive. Of course those who do not wish to use such a product would be under no obligation to do so any more than those who don’t want Viagra are obliged to do now.

There’s already something to relieve the stresses of unfulfilled sexual desire. It has absolutely no side effects whatsoever, and it’s damned cheap. It’s called masturbation.

      • Well there’s two “somethings”, actually–the other one is called -cheating-. If the Mrs is not interested, why would she complain about him giving that type of attention to someone else? -Of course, it’s going to be someone else ten years younger than her, but oh well… Makes for good Springer episodes, if nothing else.

There ARE drugs out there that can reduce a man’s libido. For example, “chemical castration” of sex offenders. I believe it is usually done by injecting a man who depo-provera.

As for why chemical castration isn’t widely available on an elective basis…hmm, probably because the word “castration” is so emotionally loaded for most men?

I say why not start a poll in IMHO, asking how many doper men would request medication to “liberate” them from their sex drive?

WTF? Were you maybe hoping that some new anti-sex pill had come out on the market in the past three months?

Yes, this is actually the standard drug treatment for prostate cancer…

There are other medications that have negative side effects for the sex drive.

Some SSRI’s and Blood pressure meds can effect the sex drive. However, you need to actually need these meds as prescribing them without need is more harmful than the problem at hand ( as it were).

Maybe you need to rechannel your thoughts and energy into something other than sex. A second job, another soul crushing mortgage, a second child, inlaws moving in with you.

These things seem to work for everyone else.

In the mean time, try kicking yourself in the nads twice a day.

Oh Right… Woman unhappy because you want her, will be much happier when you’d suddenly rather play video games/ watch TV,

Sorry, but I’d say the sexual tension thing has been around a long time. Women, between babies, teenagers, work and general degradation, your guy will be uninterested in you soon enough unless you learn to play this one well.

we’re Human!!! Enjoy!!

Oh. I thought you were going to say it was children.

No, she said “it’s damned cheap”.
That automatically rules out children.

Amen, or how’s about waiting to have sex with your date long enough so that you actually get to know each other rather than folks just jumping into bed together at the first signs of infatuation driven lust? (not directed at anyone in particular, but at our society’s practice regarding this in general).

That way, you would have more of a chance of marrying someone whose sex drive was more in sync with your own!!


You ARE kidding, right? I mean, you can’t possibly be serious. I mean really - read this:

That WAS tongue in cheek, right?? You can’t possibly be that big of a jerk, CAN YOU?

Please - tell me I got majorly wooshed here…

      • :smiley: The Springer comment was a bit much, but as to the rest of it… ? -It’s my understanding that people cheat in order to save an existing relationship, not to destroy it. Not that it would make me any happier than it would anybody else. -But those comments (by the guys at the firehouse) sound typical. There is a boys’ locker-room tale about why women smile at their weddings–because they know they’ll never have to perform kinky (gulp) sex to keep the guy around again…
  • And really, I find that Springer tends to prefer younger guests–which is fine, as far as pursuing a more-youthful demographic–but the overall impression I get is that these people are probably not very intelligent or responsible in any aspect of their lives.

No side effects? What happened to, “You’ll go blind!!!”
Then, there’s always the possibility of carpal tunnel :smiley:

I’ve never taken Paxil®, and I wouldn’t suggest giving an antidepressant to somebody who isn’t depressed. However, Paxil has a wide reputation for being an anti-Viagra®, even among doctors. One friend who’s a Paxil patient told me he still wanted to get it up and get it off, but he couldn’t.

Masturbation relieves the urgency, but it doesn’t take away desire. I have often felt amorous soon after coming unscrewed.

Fortunately, we’re not all as limber as Michael Flatley. Of all the things to come into violent contact with my gonads, none of them were my feet. If you’re desirous of getting kicked in the walnuts, you’ll probably be needin’ a partner.

I keep seeing the title of this thread as “Why isn’t there an anti-Viagra: My wife.” :smiley:

I’ve heard Propecia can sometimes work as such.

Let me get this straight. Your wife is hanging out with a bunch of firefighters who are complaining to her about not getting enough sex at home. Your only apparent concern is inventing a pill that will reduce mens libidos?

You might want to make sure your own libido is firing on all cylinders, 'cause it sounds to me like those firefighters might have their eyes on a solution that doesn’t involve anti-viagra.

Or maybe I just have a suspicious nature.