Come Join Me... In Donating Bone Marrow

It doesn’t cost you anything, and you may just get a free nights accommodation and food out of it. With your chance of winning 1 in 1000 over a year, its got better chances than the lottery. But its better than the lottery in many ways, because you could save a life.
So the question is,
Will you join the Bone Marrow Donor Registry and maybe save a life?

You can join in the great US of A, you can join in Britain.
It could be the most important thing you ever do.

Good post Go You Big Red Fire Engine :slight_smile:

I am not eligible d.t. a history of breast cancer :frowning:

But I had a good outcome :smiley:

I wish I could do this…it would be a wonderful gift.

OK. I’ll get to it the next time I give blood.

I suggest asking a mod to make a better title for this thread, so that the people who generally ignore threads with titles that don’t describe what the thread is about might see it and perhaps join what looks like a worthy cause.

Hmmm…but if I join the Aussie one, will they spring for a free trip to Syndey for me? :slight_smile:

Not that it matters…Graves Disease prevents marrow donations. :frowning:

Lat time I checked where I live in the US, it actually cost money to get tested and into the registry, or I’d already be there. :frowning:

I know a very sweet little girl who had a terrible illness requiring a marrow transplant; luckily she found a donor but I would have been more than glad to help if I could have.

If I’m wrong about the expense, I’ll go get registered. That’s really dumb, making you pay to save someone’s life… or maybe it’s dumber that sometimes $65 is all that stands in the way of saving someone’s life?

A number of years ago they had a bone marrow registry drive at my office. There were all these posters and announcements being made, so I went down to sign up. Unfortunately, it was being sponsored (and the registry fee being paid) by the office’s Black employee’s association, and the woman taking applications wouldn’t take mine. I guess my white bone marrow wasn’t good enough for them. I thought about making an issue of it, but decided I didn’t need the aggravation. I did notice that when they did it again the next year the publicity all specifically stated that only Black employees were eligible for registry.

I’m in the national marrow donor registry, and last summer received a call that I was a preliminary match for a patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. I started a thread at the time to answer questions people may have about the process and to track how it went, but after some more thorough testing, the physician ultimately opted against using my marrow. I don’t know if they found a better match elsewhere or if something else happened, but darnit, I was looking forward to it.

Well, there’s got to be a medical reason for that or your company could be in big trouble, I’d think. Any of the MDs around here have any idea why this would be?

Isn’t it related to the programm not being organized by the company, but by an association of the employees, and to the fact mentionned above that they have to pay for the registration, hence making them free to refuse to pay for whomever they want and accept or reject anyone as they see fit? Just a guess, I wouldn’t know how it works, legally speaking.
As for the OP : I’ve an irrationnal fear of anesthesia. That’s why I’m not registered as a marrow donor.

I work for the Federal government, which is pretty strict about non-discrimination on the worksite, so I can only assume that clairobscur’s theory is right. What annoyed me was the woman’s attitude when she told me I couldn’t register; she never came out and said that I wasn’t eligible because I was white, she just refused to let me fill out the form.

This group also runs several donation drives during the year; right now they’re collecting school supplies and clothing. I used to donate to these but ever since this happened I haven’t.

I don’t know what it’s like where you live. But, here in Massachusetts, the Red Cross typed me, at my request, after I had donated Platelets a few times. I don’t remember how many times I had to donate. I was typed when I was 19. I’m 24 now and I’ve never been called. I’m wondering if I dropped off the list. I’m going to talk to the nurse when I donate Platelets again in 2 weeks. I’d love to be able to help someone with a marrow donation.

congodwarf, I’ve been on the Canadian list for about ten years, though I’ve never gotten past stage-two testing (additional blood tests) for a particular patient, and even that was only once. LurkMeister, that drive at your office sounds discriminatory for sure, but then I’m at a distance and don’t know all the details.

Sunspace : I’m not too worried about having been kicked off the list - only slightly actually. I want to check to make sure I got on it the first time The Red Cross branch I was going to at the time wasn’t the most efficient. The one I go to now is wonderfull.

You’ve inspired me to check it out as well.

The number for Quebecers to call is 1 800 666-HEMA, extension 279 or 280.

IANAD but I do know that registry in “minority” groups is very low. I’m sure this organization is trying to rectify that problem. Add to that the fact that they are putting out money to do so answers the question of why they would exclude you. If it is a government office this shouldn’t happen even if the reasons are good.

Don’t take it personally; you’re probably not being illegally discriminated against.

Here’s what I was told when I got a freebie registration a few years ago: There are a lot of potential white donors registered and the chances for a white recipient to match happen to be pretty good, while the cost for typing is still pretty expensive (IIRC, your best chances for match are from close relatives). The reason this would be of interest to an African-American employee’s group is that it is tough for African-Americans to find bone marrow matches on the current register. There are relatively few minority and multi-ethnic/racial (or whatever doesn’t offend you) potential donors registered, and there is a correspondingly low likelihood for a match. As a result, minority and multi-ethnic donors often have their typing paid for by the tissue bank or Red Cross or whoever has an interest in a diverse or thorough donor list.

If you are a member of an ethnic minority or are mixed-ethnicity, you can probably get typed and registered for free or reduced cost. All it takes (for anyone) is to go into your tissue bank, fill out a questionaire and give a couple small vials of blood.

I’m registered in the US marrow donor registry. Our whole (extended) family did this about a decade ago when my sister-in-law was fighting Burkett’s lymphoma. I make sure to keep our address up to date and everything. Marrow’s a lot harder to match than blood types, so it’s more important to have a wide range of people registered.

Ok, I don’t wanna hijack this thread, but I couldn’t tell if gay people could donate or not. I found the health history questionaire but it didn’t specifically say that we couldn’t. It did however say:

IIRC from the blood donor thread, it’s the FDA that bans gays from donating, so, I’m assuming not :frowning: