Fucking appalling Church acting totally against God


What the FUCK is wrong with people when they obey “doctrine” over obvious, fucking obvious OBVIOUS will of God and Jesus. Do the SERIOUSLY imagine that for one nano-second the Almighty expects someone to make themselves ill to worship? Or that the Almighty would reject someone from communion for medical reasons?

God must be utterly, utterly sickened by this.

To me this is just a bit of corporate bullying. The RC doesn’t want any congregation to step away and not toe the company line.

If there was a god I think it would be really pissed about now.

This just in!

God declares anaphylactic shock purest form of worship!

fucknuggets, all of them.

There is wheat in Holy Communion wafers? Who knew! It has been more than 25 years, but I always thought the wafers tasted like paper.

I may just be an ignorant atheist but…

… isn’t the wafer supposed to represent the body of Christ, not the interests of wheat farmers? Does the bible explicitly state Jesus broke wheat bread at the Last Supper? (that is where the tradition comes from isn’t it? - see above comment about ignorant atheists).

What asshats. I wonder what they would think of my church using grape juice instead of wine. Heathens, the lot of us!

pitches his Epi-pen in the trash


There’s nothing obvious about religious ritual. If those are the rules that were made up, those are the rules you have to play the game by. Too bad for the kid, but her folks knew it was bizarre when they signed her up.

What’s that? The Church puts doctrine ahead of common sense and decency? The hell you say!

I agree this is silly but I can understand the Holy See’s position on this in light of all the pressure they’ve been under to provide Atkins-friendly communion.*

*Totally made up. Probably true anyway. Funny old world.

Ain’t no representing. According to the RCC doctrine of transubstantiation, the Sacrament of Holy Communion is the actual BODY & BLOOD of Christ- under the APPEARANCES of bread & wine.

I half disagree. The rules are never spelled out so precisely until this sort of situation comes up. I bet if you asked 1000 catholics prior to this incident, virtually none would have known the wafers were supposed to be wheat based, or that it would make any difference.

True, ignorance is no excuse, but has the church ever gone out of its way to instruct parishioners in exactly why things are done the way they are?

Besides which, the rules have changed over the centuries and they can change again.

I actually talked to my wife (a Catholic) about this just yesterday. I was trying to decide what a low-carbohydrate communion wafer would be called. Christ Edge or C2 came to mind. I kind of prefer C2, because Coke already has the ad campaign in place: “1/2 the purgatory; All the paradise”.

But how is it a rule? Why can’t we have rye bread hosts? Where is that in the Bible? Or is it one of those “We’ve always done it this way” things?

Apparently those with the digestive disorder that the girl in the link has are predestined to go to Hell. Isn’t it obvious?

I just googled and answered my own questions.

My new question is: why is imitation so important to these people?

Not so. The Code of Canon Law is quite specific on this point:

Can. 924 §1 The most holy Sacrifice of the Eucharist must be celebrated in bread, and in wine to which a small quantity of water is to be added.

§2 The bread must be wheaten only, and recently made, so that there is no danger of corruption.

§3 The wine must be natural, made from grapes of the vine, and not corrupt.

Here’s the Catholic Encyclopedia’s take on the matter (from 1911, but the wheat rule hasn’t changed)

However, the cite is out of date. The current cite is from the 1975 version of the Missale Romanum, paragraph 282:

and from Redemptionis Sacrementum, para 48

So… there’s NEVER any wheat in the wafer!

That means all communions for the last 2000 years have been retroactively declared invalid!

We’re going to Hell, for sure…

A friend of mine was dating a Catholic priest (you read that right) and she told him she couldn’t take communion because of a wheat allergy and he told her that it became the actual flesh of Christ and therefore was no longer wheat so no problem.

My concern was that it was that the wafer was being administered by a priest who was corn holing her three times a week, so maybe his super-powers werent’ exactly at their peak to pull off this amazing transformation.