Bush-Kerry Debate: Part Deux

I’m betting they coached Bush not to pause and blink so much but I expect him to suck again anyway.

Hopefully they’ll focus on some domestic issues and get off the damn WOT.

So what are the drinking catch-phrases this time around?

It’s Kerry, relaxed and at ease. In answer to the question, he reaches inside his suit coat and pulls out a puppy and then he…no! NO!

And I wake up screaming…

Drinking rules?

(Have we recovered from the last one?)

I think we will see more direct answers to the questions posed by the audience. It is one thing to blow off a member of the press with a canned talking point instead of a thoughtful answer, but there could be nothing worse than having one of the people who asked a question show up on the post-debate shows and complain that the candidates had dodged their question. I think the town hall format holds their feet to the fire a little more in that respect.

Coached Bush? I’m betting he’s had electro-shock therapy to make him look like he’s awake and aware, and to wipe away the eye-rolling and scowling and crouching.

My hope is that he swings really really far to the other end of the spectrum, and spends the entire 90 minutes with a huge smirk on his face, attempting to look like a happy down-home Texas type to energize the Base.

If you take a bump every time GeeDubya says “safer” you’ll wake up in detox. Next week.

One shot every time Bush references Kerry’s “vote in favor of the war” in congress.

Kerry hasn’t figured out exactly how to counter that one yet.

If Kerry DOES counter it effectively and makes Bush look like a dumbass for saying it, two shots for every time afterwards that Bush tries to reference it again.

Every time a candidate answers a question directly with a response that doesn’t sound rehearsed, take a shot.

What are you, a teetotaler? Goddamn killjoy. :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess we might as well keep “Nu-kyoo-lar” and “Vietnam” as well. I’d also suggest a hit for whenever Bush uses the word “global” in a negative way.

I’m gonna try C-SPAN tonight after CBS last time.

And here we go.

I’m gonna hafta tune in right here on the SDMB since I’ve got no access to a tv. UNless anybody knows of a web feed…

Drinking words, for those who do not fear death by alcohol poisoning:

“better plan”
“can do better”
“let me finish”

If either one drops the F bomb, drink a double shot.
If either one loses it and yells “You’re a damn liar” down the bottle.

Bush looks taller tonight. Lifts??

Yahoo has it.

Bush is taking notes!


Oh, we’ve got a live moderator here too?

I liked the ‘weapons of mass deception’

Awww, C-SPAN2 isn’t showing the candidates simultaneously… Is there a channel that is?

One mintute, ten seconds. If he doesn’t bore me to death, I’ll still vote for him.