"Kinsey" (the Liam Neeson flick)

Saw this tonight, and liked it quite a bit. Condon did a good job of presenting Kinsey in a way that really made my feelings switch back and forth several times, from sympathy to incredulity to dislike to sympathy… It’s hard to believe someone so concerned about sex could be so oblivious to the emotional element, but what can you expect of a man who collected a million gall flies?

Liam Neeson was excellent, as was Peter Sarsgaard (Oscar-worthy, I thought), as was Laura Linney. I didn’t even recognize Timothy Hutton. John Lithgow was good – Tim Curry was his usual hammy self – I always love Oliver Platt.

BTW – does anyone know of any truth to any of the stuff this guy is spouting on the IMDB page, or is he just some right-wing wacko? (NAMBLA? seems a little unlikely.)

So – has anyone else seen it? What did you think?

IMDBguy is a whacko. I thought that the movie did a good job explaining Dr. Kinsey, and the fact that he was interested in being a researcher, not in making judgments.

Beautiful movie.

I liked the movie a lot.
Great acting by an ensemble with talent and chemistry. Sarsgaard and his bedroom eyes–oh my.
I wasn’t even all that interested in Kinsey until I saw the trailer—shows that some trailers are worth it.
I think the IMDB guy is a bit misguided.
That book that Kinsey finds, late in the first half of the movie, called something like ‘Ideal Marriage.’ As a teen snooping around my parents’ bedroom, I found it (or something very much like it) and laughed hysterically over its misinformation.

Interestingly, there is an article on The National Review Online (A right-wing source, I know) that claims that “An Ideal Marriage” is in fact a perfectly frank and factual book, and that the movie disparages it unjustly, misquoting it to make Kinsey look like a pioneering truth teller.

This is fascinating to me! Did some Googling and what you say about the ‘frank and factual’ is borne out. My parents are long gone and I have no idea what happened to the book.
I was awfully young when we looked through the book (certainly inexperienced in lovemaking). Probably I was merely guffawing at the pictures rather than snorting in derision? Apparently the book was written by a gynecologist, to be read by other OB’s.

book review

Checking Amazon, we note that customers who bought “Ideal Marriage” also bought The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands by Laura Schlessinger.


The level of sexual ignorance at the time was pretty mind-blowing – the scene of their wedding night – as a female, I was clenching in sympathy. Ow!

Here’s a link to the article Johnny Ecks mentioned.

We need someone who’s actually read this book to report in!