Yoohoo, Ethilrist!!! Over here!!! (with apologies to Tigers2B1)

In this thread you darned Tigers2B1 for posting the following “great straight line in GQ”

I’ve taken the liberty of bringing the post over to the Pit so you can have your merry way with it.

OK, have at it. :slight_smile:

Am I the only one who has no idea what this is about?

A thread was started in GQ about what Jack Chick looks like. Since it was GQ, Ethilrist had to behave and bite his/her tongue.

This is an invitation to have at it. :wink:

I’ve always pictured him as the little guy on the right.

Golly! I’ve never been invited into the Pit before!

Oh. Not a pitting. Dang. :frowning:

Everybody knows you can’t photograph vampires!

Too busy taking art classes, studying philosophy, tending to the weak and helpless and turning the other cheek to make public appearances.

As I said, cite? Do you have a link to the recent pics of Bigfoot? Granted, we’re in The Pit now, so you don’t have to provide them here, but if you would post the link to the GQ thread, that’d be great. I’d love to see pictures proving the existence of Bigfoot. And no, I don’t mean the monster truck.

Oh, sure, throw in a technicality! That’s so unfair!!

There are no pictures of Jack Chick because the Rapture already happened, and he was taken.

Apparently the only ones who made it were him, and Jimmy Hoffa.


Haw! Haw! Haw!

Because Jack Chick and Elvis were the same person.

We’ve secretly replaced Jack Chick with the Chickolater 5000, capable of creating inane tracts at the rate of over six every calendar year. Let’s see if anyone notices…

My moniker in the topic title of a Pit thread? Walter Mitty’s dreams do come true! Feels sort of cold in here though -----