Conservatives Bad-Mouth "No Name-Calling Week"

When I first read it, I thought it was a joke. It’s not…

“Pan-sexual agenda”? Don’t you love it?

I was going to remark on the fact that Concerned Women for America have a man as director, but I guess that’s par for the course, with people like this.

I’m trying to muster sufficient outrage, in these times of outrage fatigue.

Can anyone help?

BTW, Concerned Women for America was founded by Beverly LaHaye, a woman who once said that acceptance of homosexuality would render women “unnecessary”, and wife of Tim LaHaye, co-author of the Left Behind books.

If you follow the links, we have connections to the John Birch Society, Reverend Sun Myung Moon, and Jack Kemp. If anyone can connect the dots to SpongeBob and/or Kevin Bacon, we’ll really have something here…

So, if I understand their objections, it’s perfectly OK to call the Concerned Women for America’s Culture and Family Institute a bunch of ignorant dyke weasels. Did I get that right? 'Cause they don’t believe in “No Name-Calling Week.”

So how exactly are the middle school adminstrations going to convince the middle school kids not to call each other names for a week? Because if they don’t do that, it’s going to be just a bunch of meaningless policital posturing on both sides.

Maybe they should aim higher and try “No beating up the smaller kids and stealing their lunch money week” instead.

po-li-ti-cal. dammit. :wink:

:::off to write “Preview is your friend” on the board 1000 times:::

So is a “dyke weasel” anything like a “fruit bat” or a “chicken hawk”? I try to keep up with slang and other cultural developments.

This is almost as funny as Demon Pants.

Yeah, it’s funny. I think it’s entertaining to watch these twits hash it out.


These people need to go to opposite ends of the playground, and fast. :rolleyes:

Well, of course the conservatives would be against “No Name-Calling Week.”

How could they endure an entire week without their fix of Rush, Sean, Bill, and Ann??? :eek:

Maybe it’s not middle schools where the “No name-calling week” is needed.

It’s politicians.

As a newly certified teacher, I was going to post something substantial in reply to this, when I realised my posts-to-date mainly consist of meaningless political posturing.

IOW, I agree.

It’s a joke, no matter how you look at it.

Sure, and the paragon of kind words, Al Franken, could lead the charge for promoting no name calling.

Perhaps we can call it “Anybody who calls names is a big fat idiot” week?

As a side note, how is “you need to get used to [my existence],” equivalent to “you are going to burn in hell”?

Both are verbal statements. Neither is an incitement to violence. Pretty equivalent to me.

That’s too easy. He’d just read the headlines, and let the news speak for itself…

Wolfowitz Story falsified

Gonzales: Did He Help Bush Keep His DUI Quiet?

Secret Unit Expands Rumsfeld’s Domain

Families of servicemembers killed in Iraq turned away at Pentagon

White House Scraps ‘Coalition of the Willing’ List

Far, far too easy…

All statements which are spoken tend to be verbal ones.
One is saying “I’m living my life, just leave me alone.”
The other is saying “You’re living your life, and I’m passing judgement on you and you’re going to hell.”

Not. Equal.

And all these links have exactly what to do with my comment?

Which was essentially, “It’s ridiculous to imply that conservatives have cornered the market on name-calling”.

Now, if you want to argue that politicians on both sides of the aisle are better at name-calling than just about anybody… well, you have a much better chance of convincing me on that one.

“[Y]ou need to get used to [my existence],” does not equal “I’m living my life, just leave me alone” by my book. I am not obligated to like you. I am not obligated to get used to you. My sole obligation to you is not to harm you. If I don’t like you in the first place, all you will do with that statement is mildly piss me off.

The statement “you are going to burn in hell” would also mildly piss me off and cause me to ignore the speaker from there on out.

Not that this has anything to do with the OP, but God, the picture of that woman clinging to her son’s photograph broke my heart.

Um, the part that strikes me as particularly silly is that someone is suggesting a “No Name Calling Week”!

Just by virtue of defining a No Name Calling Week, it is suggested that at all other times name-calling is perfectly O.K.

But, yeah, to object to the idea of children being taught not to call others hurtful names is pretty ridiculous.

For the record, I will not be participating in No Name Calling Week, Ass-Faces.

Gay is your existence? I’ve often heard homosexuals insist that gay is not what defines them. There is no gay lifestyle and so forth.

Liberal, there’s a distinction there. Sexual orientation is certainly not the sum total of what defines an individual, but it is nonetheless an immutable facet of one’s existence.

And BTW, if I join the pan-sexual agenda, do I get to use the rotoplooker?