Hey Fish Face! ... I mean Human Face!

I just saw a video of this on the local news, it looks even creepier in a live video.

Fish with human face.

It’s the face of Jesus!

Jesus was one ugly motherfucker, then.

I’m not afraid to admit it, I’m a little creeped out now. Eeyah.

Well, have you seen Mary? Look at the picture of her face in the toast! The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, y’know.

See what happens when you feed sperm to your goldfish.

I just had to be eating chowder when I saw this … bleh.
My thread title sucks, I should have given it more thought. Bippy’s comment would have made a better, albeit much grosser, title.

Don’t panic, until it starts talking to you and asking what your favorite movie is.

In case anyone missed this thread from April 2004.
Is there any reason that semen would be bad for my fish?