Man pees his way out of an avalanche

With the help of 60 bottles of beer.

Wouldn’t it have been easier to just pour the beer on the snow, instead of drinking it and then peeing?

Pee is warm.

Beer is not.

Besides, who would pour out 60 bottles of beer when there’s the alternative?

Suddenly, I’m reminded of Captain Jack Sparrow.

Hmmm… maybe he had 60 bottles of ice cold beer, and so he had no choice but to rely on his own body to heat it into the snow-dissolving yellow liquid that was, for him, the water of life.

Okay, that’s the only idea I got. Only other takers?

Because it’s much more fun that way?

That man friggen’ loves beer. :slight_smile:

60 half-litre bottles! POUNDERS! (or near enough).

After the first 12, it sounded like a good idea! :smack:

I just don’t understand HOW you can drink so much beer without kiling yourself first of all… Okay just how many liters of beer can you take in, in a day without getting alcohol poisoning? He had 30! I am trying to think about this, but maybe you could take in around…6? I have no clue, but I wouldn’t imagine you could drink a whole lot more on a constant basis. I bet you he had one HELL of a hangover when it was all done though.

I’m beginning to think he just wanted to get as drunk as possible before he died and ended up accidentally pissing himself to freedom.

I am trying to find the words, but perhaps it says it all.

I think Maddox should add this guy to his list of “real men”.

No kidding. Beyond that, drinking alcohol when you’re in danger of freezing is a spectacularly bad idea. It sends all your blood to your extremities (hence the ruddy flush of a drunk) and away from the vital organs your blood is trying to to protect when you’re cold. I guess it could ward off frostbite but it could also cause death. The guy was ridiculously lucky.

That story is a pissah!

Definite nominee for the urinary Hall of Fame.

Well it does say that he was found four days later. That would only be 7 and a half bottle per day.

I just wonder how much they took his word for what had happened after he was found staggering drunk on a mountain road. It’s such a good story, they might not have waited for details like the car being found.

It worked, we don’t know if just pouring the beer on the snow would work, perhaps we were mislead about the effects of beer. Sometimes your only way out is not to follow the rules.

IT does seem like a very large amount of beer however.

Also remember that the snow would act as an insulator and help keep him toasty.

Well, most people I know will drink about 8 to ten pints on a Friday night out.
So that’s - 568ml x 10 = 5.68 litres.
And that’s pretty far off having enough to kill yourself.

My record (thankfully these days are long gone) was 21 pints (on my 21st birthday).

21 x 568 = 11.9 litres
Ok - i felt bad for about a week but I’m reliably informed that the guys in my local rugby club will regularly have about 20 pints in a session.

Leaving us with the conclusion that it takes a lot of beer to kill someone.

Warning - drinking beer should only be done by daddies and kids with fake ID.

Hey, I’m not saying I can argue with “it worked”. Just saying he was pretty damn lucky it did. He could have pissed his way out of the car and then died of hypothermia because of my above noted…

bete whose been more lucky than smart many times noir

Well, can one assume that he didn’t have the beer in a cooler? It is my understanding that ale and beer is consumed warm in Europe, not frosty cold like here in the states.

So the beer would have been warmer than the snow, right? And it would have been faster to pour out 60 bottles of beer into the snow, rather than drinking, waiting for your bladder to swell, then peeing out a window.

Or at least that it takes a lot of beer to kill a Scotsman.

I hate to disappoint you but we europeans do like our beer freezing cold. If its warm, we usually say it’s “donkey pee”.

Okay, then where did I get the idea ale is served warm? Is this a misconception I’ve had, now dashed to pieces?

Still, I think cold beer is warmer than snow. And if the first bottle didn’t work, he could have stil drank the remaining 59. For God’s sake, the guy didn’t even try!