Groundhog Day (mild)

News flash: Once again, the groundhog saw his shadow, therefore we have six more weeks of winter.

The thing is, I could have told you that. We always have six more weeks of winter. Or more like 8-12 more weeks. We always do. Every fucking year. It doesn’t take an overgrown rat to “predict” it. Fucking rodent.

“There is no way this winter is ever going to end as long as that groundhog keeps seeing his shadow. I don’t see any way out of it. He’s got to be stopped. And I have to stop him.”

You can say that again. And again. And again.

So it’s Groundhog Day . . . again!?

“It’s gonna be cold, and it’s gonna be gray, and it’s gonna last for the rest of your life.”

Sure it’s mildly annoying but at least it keeps a few groundhogs off the streets and out of trouble, and I’m all for that.
A roving gang of groundhogs once bit my sister … and stole her purse.

Ground Hog day is a lot more fun if you just forget about the rats and eat sausage instead.

“They say we’re young and we don’t know.
We won’t find out until we grow…”


Candlemas Day (the old name for Groundhog Day) is approximately the midpoint of winter, from a “piles of snow on the ground” perspective. There was an old maxim to the effect that:

The provident farmer on Candlemas Day
Has half of his fires and half of his hay

In other words, if he still has half of his woodpile left and half of his feed for his stock, he will last out the winter in good shape.

Groundhog, its what’s for dinner.

(Are those guys in the hats Freemasons?)

Heh. My local radio station played this at the beginning of the morning show today (6:00 a.m.).

I’m hoping they do it tomorrow as well.

“This is one time where television really fails to capture the true excitement of a large squirrel predicting the weather.”

I understand it’s an annual tradition on WPXN, Punxsatawney, PA, to start the day Feb. 2 with that song – ever since the movie came out.
Dimwad state representative Robert Hoffman (R-Connersville) says, “Save the groundhog. Yeah!” :rolleyes: Sheeesh!

Groundhog: the other white meat.

I once saw a man throw a pair of hedge clippers at a groundhog and kill it. Not pleasant.

I can see how boomerangs are effective hunting tools; moreso, if they were to have giant scissor blades on them.

“Ned? Ned Ryerson?


Funnily enough, I’m originally from Punxsutawney. WRT GHday, the residents of that quaint town hope for only one thing: That everybody continues to pay attention. Play along, bitch about it, it’s all good.

Miind yoo, a groundhoog biite can be rather naasti…

For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day,
So far will the snow swirl until the May.

It’s the same day, but isn’t strictly accurate to say Candlemas is the old name for Groundhog day. Groundhog day is older, anyway. Well, Hedgehog day is older. It’s only Groundhog day in the US and Canada, since they don’t have hedgies.

In the US, hedgehogs are not the furry kind. They are humans who make (tat) lace by hand. My sister-in-law is still in tatters. That is, she still makes lace.

Groundhogs can bring down a strong barn by burrowing under the corners. They should be “honored” with hollowpoint bullets.