Paul Martin's speech and the Canadian Civil Marriage Act

A transcript of his speech can be found here.

Besides giving me goosegumps and making me shout out “HELL YEAH!”, what effect will the Civil Marriage Act have on America, if it passes, or heck, even if it fails?

Seems to me that it can’t do anything but help the cause here, just to give more examples of a nation embracing gay rights but not somehow collapsing due to divine vengeance. And I love how Martin makes clear the division between church and state, to the point of underlining the point that no religious institution will be made to condone same-sex marriages, which is a very smart thing to do. Since I’m not in America at the moment, is this getting any coverage over there? What’s the reaction like?

Full video (and text) here:

I’ve heard occasional mention but it’s not getting wide play in the US AFAIK. Mainly I think because it’s not yet a big issue (really!) throughout the US. Even most SSM opponents see it as regional problems created by activist mayors & state judiciaries. Only if SCOTUS rules against DOMA & for SSM will there be a truly national uproar.

Truthfully, right-of-center USAmericans care about Canadian political opinion only slightly more than we care about European political opinion.

Twice nothing is still nothing you know. :wink:

That was a truly great speech. I’m beginning to be quite impressed with Paul Martin.

I agree with the speech 100%, but that’s not a great speech. It’s a very Grade 12 public-speaking-competition entry. Straightforward, way too long, not much in the way of really top flight command of language.