Etiquette: Proper greetings for newlyweds?

I have always heard that the proper greeting to a bride is “best wishes”, and to the groom, “Congratulations.” The rationale is something like congratulating the bride would be tantamount to saying, “Congratulations on catching a husband, we thought it would never happen.”

Is this the correct etiquette, and the correct reasoning?

That is certainly traditional – I don’t know anyone other than myself who observes it regularly anymore, though.


I’ll join you over there in the old fogeys corner, Cliffy – I also do it, despite knowing that it’s silly and outdated.

This is something I can never recall and, frankly, it doesn’t bother me. I never understood why something that might be considered insulting or condescending to a bride would not also be so for a groom.

One may also say “felicitations”.

Gotta go hobnob with the rest of the elders.

“Congratulations” to the groom indicates the extent of the dragon-slaying, etc., he had to accomplish in order to win such a beautiful princess. All brides, of course, being princesses at their weddings, as well as great beauties.

We assume the lady did not have to call attention to herself by heroic chivalry in order to be deemed worthy to wed the charming prince.

I’m always happy to indulge in a bit of fairy-tale folklore on the proper occasion.

All I know is that my wife always hits me when I say, “Getting some tonight, heh?” So I am pretty sure that is not the correct greeting.

Some newlyweds might appropriately be greeted with “Deepest sympathies” or “My heartfelt condolences.” :stuck_out_tongue: