spots on rat terrier dog

My dog is getting black spots under his fur. he is a rat terrier. We’ve only had him four weeks. when we first got him, he had no black patches under his skin. Now he has about 50 or so all over. Some the size of dimes, some the size of quarters. He is brown and white, and then you can see black spots on his skin, not his fur. I have pictures of him the first week with no spots at all, and I have recent pictures of him now, and it is obvious that he has gotten these spots in the last 4 weeks. I just took him to the vet and the vet said that as long as he wasn’t losing hair on the spots or the spots weren’t irritated, that the dog was fine. But I kept asking why he would get these so quickly and he didn’t answer me. He just said, “I wouldn’t worry about it.” Does anyone know what this could be?

Vasculitis can cause bruising which appears as dark spots on the skin. But your vet undoubtedly knows this.

If your dog is young, it is possible that this is part of his normal pigmentation. Sometimes dogs’ spots develop gradually over time. We have a terrier mix who has twice as many spots now as he had when we got him as a pup. Many of new spots can be seen on the skin of his belly, which is sparsely covered with white hairs. Looks like a cute, spotty pink pig’s belly.

The dog is 2 years old.

I have two Boston Terriers: one has the same thing and the other does not.
Our male started getting them around the same time your dog did (around 2 years old). He’s about 4.5 years old now and they are not appearing as frequently as they once did.

My guess is that it is just part of their normal pigmentation.