On the last of the Girl Scout cookies.

I have eaten
the Thin Mints
that were in
the freezer

and which
you were probably
for winter

Forgive me
they were delicious
so thin
and so minty

so much depends

a peanut butter

beaded with cold

beside the empty

The freezer had a box of thin mints
And yet I have not seen them since
You were here, at home alone
And now I take a darker tone,
If you have taken them, know this:
Ne’er again will you see bliss
Your days shall see no end to pain
Chocolate in your teeth makes it plain
That you have eaten them, I see
'Tis equal to a guilty plea!
Steal the thin mints, will you?!?!
I may just have to kill you…

O, the tragic quest for



I searched long for Samoas
The quest consumed my nights
Who knew that they renamed them
To “Caramel Delites”?

But I can eat Samoas all year now
Like something from a dream
They’re mixed into vanilla
In Edy’s new ice cream!

We don’t get girl scouts:
“No Solicitors Allowed”
adorns my front door.

When I was a young lad, I was kicked out of the Boy Scouts…

… for eating a Brownie.

While serving in the Army I was sent to Korea. Several times my mom sent boxes of goodies, and it was understood that one shared such bounty.

However, one mailing contained, among other things, a box of Thin Mints. Before I took the rest out to share I removed it, to have all by myself!

Campion’s Cookies
Which used to
Sit in the icecold-frosty
and make onetwothreefourfive Browniesrichjustlikethat
they were good cookies
and what I want to know is
how do you like your greenstriped cookie

Gah how do you keep all the spaces where they’re supposed to be?!

Next year’s front door sign:
“No Solicitors Allowed
except for Girl Scouts.”

I still have
two boxes in the freezer
Thin mints of Goodness
How I love thee


Ethilrist please watch out
for the legal consequences
of soliciting a Girl Scout.

Opening the freezer door
Gateway to goodness
I spy
Three boxes of Lemon Cremes
Brightly tart and biting
Three boxes of Thin Mints
Waiting for their turn
In a malt
Two boxes of Peanut Butter Patties
Thick peanutty chocolately
Must have a glass of milk
And one lone box
Of Pinatas
Waiting for a warm day
And cold tea
To devour

i have 2 large tupperware tubs of thin mints and 2 large tupperware tubs of chocolate dipped shortbread in the freezer.

i buy one case of each. lasts me through the year.

Looking and looking in the wide-open freezer
Campion cannot see the Thin Mints box;
Life falls apart; no cookies can she hold;
Rank hopelessness is loosed upon her world,
The ice-draped tide is loosed, and everywhere
The countertops of the kitchenette are drowned;
The pies lack all subtlety, while the cakes
Are full of caloric intensity.
Surely some Girl Scout cookies are at hand;
Surely the second carton is at hand.
The second carton! Hardly is that thought out
When a small image out of the District Council
Gladdens her sight: somewhere on streets of the suburb
A shape in green uniform with the head of a lass,
Her gaze bright and comforting as the sun,
Is moving her slow legs, while all about her
Reel shadows of the leafy-lawned suburb birds.
The doorbell rings again; and now we know
That twenty long minutes of hunger pangs
Were stopped by approach of a knocking girl,
And what sweet treats, new boxes come round at last,
Did slouch towards Campion to be bought?

How long does ice cream last? I’ve got an unopened half gallon of Dreyer’s Thin Mint (only available during Girl Scout cookie season). I could be open to bribes, nudge,nudge. :wink:

/applause Sternvogel

Give me your cookies

Make room for me
to take and eat with
beyond this rage of poetry.

Let others have
the sweetness of
red velvet cake
and love of pie
a la mode.

For me
Give me your cookies.

“Oh, but officer…
She solicited me first…”
I’ll need a lawyer…