What would you make the eucharist?

Not trying to be blasphemous or sacreligious or anything, but if you could make a personal deviant from crackers and wine (grape juice), what would it be?

I nominate Vanilla Coke and hmmm, I don’t know, maybe a Pringle or something.

Of what would your new communion consist?

I would go with a bar-be-que pork rind and Diet Coke with lime! :smiley:

Pringles and Mountain Dew.

[sub]I’ve been watching too much Survivor. [/sub]

A shot of tequila and a slice of lime. :stuck_out_tongue:

How about replacing it with another classic combo: milk and oreos!! :stuck_out_tongue:


[sub]no, nothing else. oh, fine. chocolate and chocolate. happy now?[/sub]

Candy canes and ginger ale.

Coca-Cola and a Reese’s peanut butter cup.

How about a living communion?
I would give wine to my lover. A communion of Love…

The wine will be fermented of grapes stomped and pressed by our naked antics and love throes. Our conception will become the Living Flesh… the Bread. Our sweet lovemaking under the late Summer skies will become vintage. Nine months later we will have imbibed and partaken.

Coffee. And when come back from The Last Supper, bring pie. Preferably raspberry.

Beer and pretzels, of course.

Vienna sausage and V8.

A Little Debbie Swiss Roll and a coke.

BBQ sauce, or regular?

When this comes to pass, my soul shall be SAVED!

Gummi bears. or worms. something gummy. we could change it every week. Folks with no teeth can eat jesus cookies and cream flavored pudding.

English Muffins with orange marmalade and a can of Red Bull.

Lime coke and a bean burrito.

Chips and Salsa!

I prefer my English muffins with Vegemite.

[sub]I could say something really dirty about wanting to eat an English muffin – but I won’t. :wink: [/sub]