manhattan has resigned

Longtime poster and former moderator manhattan has resigned from the Straight Dope Science Advisory Board and is leaving the SDMB. This was his idea, not ours. He writes, “I came to believe that the board wasn’t a comfortable place for politically conservative posters.” We asked him to reconsider but he declined. We are grateful for manny’s many contributions as a poster, moderator, and staff report author and wish him all the best.

He will be remembered fondly.

Although I consider myself politically independent, I recall agreeing with manhattan on more than one occasion. As I recall, he made good points and good arguments. Pity.

Oh Great! As if there weren’t few enough of us politiclly conservative types on this board. I understand his feelings though. It is often tough to listen to what seems to be the majority on this Board.
He will be missed.


I can understand how he feels. I wish him the best.

This sucks. He was one poster I always looked forward to reading. I hope he’ll be back.

I was hoping he’d have a post in [thread=317262]this thread I started[/thread]

That’s unfortunate. Even as a liberal, I prefer participating in discussion and debate with people that have a variety of viewpoints, rather than a bunch of ideological clones. My mindset stagnates when my worldview is always validated as correct.

Best wishes that both personally and professional never find yourself long and wrong nor see credit ratings downgraded. If over time you miss the SDMB, please come back.

All of that echoed, but remember, bring pie!

I shall miss him. :frowning:

I thought the first sentence was in code…

You mean code like…

“…has left the company to pursue other opportunities…” or “…has decided to spend more time with his family…” or “…assisting the police with thier investigations…”?

I mean no comprendo: “Best wishes that both personally and professional never find yourself long and wrong nor see credit ratings downgraded”, senor.

“Long and wrong” - an accurate description of a fair few of manny’s posts… though I’d hate to see his credit ratings downgraded.

Best wishes manhattan. :slight_smile:

I’m sorry you’ve left, manhattan, but certainly wish you all the best.

I understand your position, but I hope you will reconsider, manhattan. I hope very much.


Do you piss on the grave at funerals, too?

Good luck, Manhattan, I appreciate your long service. As a person who considers herself to be more independent than conservative or liberal (though I suspect others might disagree with me), I find myself constantly frustrated by rabid ideologues (sp?) in both sides and was, just last night, considering bailing out myself (though I know that no one would notice if I did :p). Most of the time, I don’t even bother to jump into what inevitably devolves into a juvenile display of finger pointing and name calling, assuming that it wasn’t already there from the O.P… Oy.

At any rate, so long, and thanks for all the fish. (Or is that what Manhattan should be saying? Probably.)